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Ushijima's PoV

We were at a dead end. I performed CPR on her. The CPR didn't work either. Her lips were freezing cold. This was the first time my lips met hers and she didn't kiss me back. My heart was being torn apart and I could only barely hold it together.

"We need to get her to the hospital!" I saw Sakusa struggling because of the cold "The ambulance will take time to arrive"

I wrapped her with my jacket. A few Itachiyama guys gave their jackets to keep her warm. I scooped her up in my arms and ran as fast as I could. Every time her cold body moved against my chest I had a heart attack. All I could remember was seeing her pained face when I said what I shouldn't have. I hurt her.

"USHIWAKA!" The boys from Shiratorizawa came running behind me.

"Is she alright?" Tendou was very nervous.

"No" my voice was shaking at this point. We all ran to the hospital like mad dogs.

"Save her, please!" I said placing her on the gurney the nurses got for her.

"We'll take over from here" the doctor said stopping us and went inside.

"Tetsuro is on his way!" Tendou said.

"Sakura! Where's Sakura??" Kiyomi and the girls came running.

"She's inside" Goshiki had lost his voice.

I collapsed into a chair and sunk my face in my hands.

"WHERE IS SHE? Where's my daughter?" I heard her mother's voice and my stomach twisted. The pain in her voice was so obvious.

"Wakatoshi!" She saw me and rushed. "Tell me she's okay"

"She's inside" I sat her down in a chair. "The doctors will take care of her"

"Why did this happen? She had gone out on a run. Do you think she did this on-"

"She'd never!" I cut her mother off. I couldn't even remotely think of Sakura trying to take her own life.

"She slipped" one of the Itachiyama girls spoke. They arrived too and Sakusa was given immediate medical attention.

"But why would she go so early? She looked very upset." Her mother sobbed and my heart shattered. If it weren't for me she wouldn't have...

Three hours later the doctor came out. Coach Washijo and Itachiyama's coaches were freaking out.

"She's been in the water for too long" the doctor said and I almost died there.

"Please save her. Somehow. Anyhow" I didn't even care about anything or anyone else anymore. "We'll know more of her condition in the next 6 hours. She's to be kept under observation" my heart relieved a little.

"Can we... see her?" Her mother asked.

"KAASAMA!!!!" Tetsuro came running and behind him was the entire Nekoma VBC along with their coach.

"CHIBI!" His face was puffy, his eyes were as red as his jersey.

"We don't know yet" his mother inaudibly said as she looked at her feet. She was so scared.

"How? W-What?" Tetsuro was losing his breath.

"Let's go see her" her mother walked in with her brother. Reon, Semi, Kenma and I followed.

My eyes landed on the pale figure lying on the bed with all the wires connected to her. Her face had lost all colours and she looked painfully terrible. This was the last state I ever wanted to see her in. Her lips weren't as pink anymore. Her face wasn't so lively, she looked so... lifeless.

Third Person's PoV

"Oh, my baby" her mother cupped her face and broke down "I'm so sorry." She kissed her face and Tetsuro just stood there like he saw a ghost. He had frozen at the door and wouldn't take another step closer. He was angry, sad, frightened. The scheming captain looked so vulnerable that day. Even Kenma was anxious.

Tetsuro couldn't find strength in his legs anymore, he collapsed on his knees and Ushijima rushed to hold him.

"Ch-Chibi..." he panted "Why... is she so... white?"

"That's... not... my Chibi" He blankly said. He was traumatised. Ushijima put Tetsuro's arm around his shoulder and pulled him up, walking towards the bed she laid on. He stood opposite to his mother, on the other side of the bed and just looked at her.

"Kaasama..." Tetsuro mumbled "Go home. You need to... rest"

"Nani?" His mother thought he was crazy.

"She'll wake up." He said. "Go home and rest."

"But she-"

"We won't know for... another 6 hours. Go home... Kenma and Taketora will go with you" he said, his eyes not leaving his sister's face.

"He's right" Kenma said.

"Please take care of her" she looked at Tetsuro and shakily made her way out with Kenma.

Tetsuro sat on the bed and touched her hand; that little hand he used to make fun of. The same little hand that always wanted to hold his. Now he held her hand and she didn't hold him back. She wasn't as warm either.

"Chibi" he bit his lips as his eyes pooled "Chibi..." he ran his hand caressing her forehead. As soon as the door closed behind Kenma, Tetsuro broke down "Please wake up..." tears streamed down his pained face.

"I won't go to boarding school anymore, I'm sorry. I'll never get mad at you, I promise. I'll do whatever you want me to." he held her hand and cried "Please don't die on me, please" he begged.

That day, Tetsuro showed a side of his that nobody could fathom. He hadn't been so defenceless before. Even Ushijima had tears in his eyes. Tendou couldn't help but cry. Reon was already a heap of mess. Semi weeped uncontrollably. Tetsuro scooted closer to her and slipped his arm from under her, carefully so he wouldn't touch the wires, and gently moved her close to him pulling the sheets over her. "Let's get you warm, Chibi" his voice quaked as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

Ushijima walked towards her and sat where her mother had not long ago and held her other hand. He began to rub her hand in silence trying to warm them. Tendou and Reon couldn't watch anymore so they headed back out still crying. Everyone there came to see her but Ushijima and Tetsuro were in a world of their own.

"Sakura..." Yumiko was barely standing. She slowly moved the covers so her feet were exposed and began to rub them, tears tumbling down her face. All Yumiko did was rub her face to rid the tears and kept trying to warm her best friend.

When all others left, three figures walked in.

"T-Tobio kun..." Yumiko looked at him, her hopeful eyes pricked Kageyama more than it should've. Hinata and Sawamura stopped dead in their tracks looking at her lifeless figure in Tetsuro's arms.

"Sakura!" Tobio walked towards her "This isn't funny!" He looked at her "Get up, Sakura" he said and Hinata tried to stop him but Sawamura stopped the orange head. "Sakura..." Kageyama began to cry taking the two by surprise. The rest of Karasuno also came to visit.

Tetsuro barely spoke to anyone. Ushijima had completely zoned out. All they did was silently pray to Kami to bring her back safe, whilst trying to keep her warm.

The news not only devastated Tetsuro and Ushijima... there was another person whose world stopped when he heard the news. His phone crashed on the floor as soon as the news reached him. He stayed mute for a long time trying to digest the news as his teammates shook him for an answer.

"OIKAWA! You're scaring us!" Iwaizumi violently rattled him.

"Sakura chan..." escaped his lips "she... she's dying"

Iwaizumi let him go when the information impacted and Oikawa fell flat on his ass.

The two looked at each other and bolted out the doors of the gym.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now