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"Kaasan! I just recovered a few days ago! You can't leave me alone like this" Sakura pouted. Her mother was going on a week long trip with her friends.

"You're grown up and more responsible now." She kissed Sakura's forehead "I love you"

"I love you too, Kaasan. Have a safe trip" she smiled hugging her mother. Tetsuro had turned especially protective when he found her wrapped warmly in Ushijima's embrace at the hospital. Tetsuro wanted to stay with Sakura for at least a week after her discharge from the hospital but Sakura had her mother send him back to Tokyo running.

"Don't forget to take your water bottle. Don't forget to turn off the gas and lock the door!" She said and Sakura just yawned with a scowl on her face. It was barely sunrise and her mother was already going on and on about the house.

"Fine" she scoffed.

"Take care of yourself, stay as warm as possible or you're gonna get superficial frostbites. Oh, Kami... now I'm thinking it's a bad idea to leave you alone here" her mother began her worry and Sakura just looked at her in disbelief. That escalated quickly from "you're grown up and responsible now" to "you're gonna get superficial frostbites if I leave"

"Okaasan, I'll call Wakatoshi san if I must. You have his number already. So chill. Now go." she whined

"Take care, baby. I'm sorry I just worry so much about you" she said and Sakura couldn't help feel bad.

"If I'm more responsible than Niisan, like you said I am, you shouldn't really worry anymore" She smiled and her mother cooled down before leaving.

"Remember to turn the hob off!" She said and Sakura closed the door almost groaning audibly.

She tried to get back to bed but the sun was already rising "Great!" She cursed putting her track pants on, with a full sleeved shirt and her jacket before she headed outside to see Wakatoshi already waiting for her.

"Toshi san, how long have you been here for?"

"I just got here-" he stopped when he saw her "Put on a warmer jacket, will you?" He raised his brow.

"It's warm" She said and he sighed. Within a blink she found herself back inside her house.

"Jacket" he leaned against the closed door. She scoffed making her way up and put on a warmer jacket before descending the stairs.

Once he was satisfied with her jacket he opened the door for her and she pouted at him for making her change.

She was taken by surprise when he softly pecked her lips. Her eyes went wide as a reaction.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" He flatly asked and she blushed.

"No... yes... okay... let's go" she was flustered to even think straight.

Their morning run was as peaceful. They avoided going by the lake since she turned white out of fear every time she saw a water body. They sat on the sloping greens and she took in a deep breath basking in the morning sun. "It's so warm" she smiled. Sakura was susceptible to cold after the incident, her body temp dropped low real fast if she was exposed to a cooler atmosphere.

"Arigato..." she smiled at him. She looked like an angel in the morning sun to him. The subtle rays of the sun made her skin glow, she looked absolutely gorgeous. He was relieved to see some colour back on her face.

"Hmm?" He simply raised his brows unable to answer her.

"For telling me to change" she cheekily smiled "I'd be icy by now otherwise"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now