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"You're awake" she whispered hiding the frown on her face "Are you better?"

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me" he said. "It's late. You didn't have to wait for me to wak-"

"I made Udon for you." She kissed his face "Will I see you tomorrow for lunch?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Umm... there's this place I've always wanted to go to" she hesitantly said.

"Where is it?"

"Niigata" she looked at her feet.

"You know how far that is, right?" He chuckled.

"I promise I won't ask anything again" she pouted "Please?"

"I'll go only if you promise to never make such promises again" he smiled caressing her cheek "You're so beautiful"

"Arigato" she smiled wide and kissed him before threatening him to stay in bed instead of dropping her home.


"You're more obedient today" he looked at his warm and cozy girlfriend in a fuzzy coat.

"I shouldn't worry you unnecessarily"

"Good girl, you've come to terms with it instead of protesting. You're wise" he held her hand and walked all the way to the train station listening to her go on and on about how Inu scratched her mother's arm the previous day.

On their entire journey to Niigata, they watched volleyball videos, spoke about beaches and cuddled together. Ushijima couldn't help stare at her as she talked about volleyball pausing the videos a million times, occasionally putting in his own views.

"I wonder what's so special about this restaurant that you brought me all the way to Niigata" Ushijima said and she coyly smiled "I heard they have the best Unagi"

"Unagi? We're here to eat Unagi?" He looked at her in disbelief as she fiddled with her phone searching for directions as they walked according to her very ambiguous, uncertain navigation.

"Yeah" she said still struggling with her phone. "I heard it's nice"

"You heard it's nice?"

"Hai..." she was absent minded, her eyes tracing in the map that flashed on her phone screen. "I heard it's nice" She blankly repeated.

"We're here! I reserved our table yesterday" she gleefully opened the door and gestured for him to walk inside.

Ushijima was confused but a smile carved his face 'Who comes so far for Unagi? She's really going crazy'

He half-warned Sakura on his way in and she quietly followed him

"If its not a good as you say it is-"

He froze in his spot. His legs threatened to not take another step forward as his eyes landed on what he thought was a figment of his imagination. He gulped in an attempt to keep his lungs from giving up. He even thought he was losing his mind because he was certain that his eyes were deceiving him. He internally swore he was hallucinating when he saw his father sitting at one of the tables.

"I think I'm seeing things" his simple mindedness always made her smile.

"No" her lips twitched into a smile walking ahead of him. "You're just wasting time"

He was instantly awkward. His breathing had changed, his palms were sweaty. He even weirdly looked around like another soul had taken over his body.

"Wakatoshi..." his father said.

His anxiety bubble just burst in his stomach and his bile rose up to his throat. He hadn't been so nervous before, apart from Sakura's mishap. He was scared and he didn't even know it.

Sakura just extended her hand, handing him a glass of water to help calm down.

"S-Sumimasen" Wakatoshi stuttered.

"No" his father wasn't as calm either, he only did a better job at hiding it better than his son could "I'm the one who should be apologising for yelling at you the other day... and everything else."

"I understand" Ushijima swallowed the lump in his throat. "You weren't expecting my call. I overstepp-"

"I'm so proud of you" his father's eyes teared. "When I left I feared if you'd make it on your own but seeing you now... you couldn't have been raised any better. It almost feels like you would've grown up worse had I not left"

"Otosama!" Wakatoshi scolded but fell silent when he realised how weird it sounded aloud. He was used to the voice in his head every time he thought of his father and saying it aloud made him awkward.

"Don't worry, this place really has the best Unagi" Utsui smiled at the two and they smiled back.

"How's your mother doing?" He asked while they ate lunch.

"She keeps herself busy" Wakatoshi replied.

"Did she fuss about your left hand after I left?" He asked.

"You've no idea" Wakatoshi chuckled taking a bite of the eel.

"Ne..." he looked at Sakura who seemed to be enjoying herself eating the Unagi. He paused for a while to look at her angel face before shaking his thoughts away and looked at his father who seemed to be paying attention to his behavioural changes when it came to Sakura.

"You didn't introduce me to your friend"

"Oh! Sumimasen!" He bowed in apology "This is Kuroo Sakura..."

"Your girlfriend" his father said it for him and Sakura forgot how to breathe.


"Have you seen your face in the mirror? You're as gullible as you can get" he said and Sakura almost laughed before bowing at him "Nice to meet you, Sir"

"You're quite persistent."

"What did you tell him?" Ushijima was curious "I almost forgot about it. What did you talk to him about? What if he yelled at you?"

"He was nice" she looked down at her fingers.

"I wasn't" Utsui sincerely said "But she cornered me. She knew so much about you, even I was scared for a minute"

Sakura looked away in embarrassment "Sumimasen" she squealed and the two laughed.

"Toshi san, should stay over and spend time with him. I'll head back before it gets dark" she said to her boyfriend. She was glad that her plan worked out, she had rarely seen him as lively and she almost didn't want him to go back to being the stoic he usually was.

"Oh, but it's already dark" his father intervened "You can stay over. I rarely have any guests. I'll talk to your mother" he offered.

"You're too kind. But I wouldn't want to impose" she hesitated. All Utsui had to do was look at his son who instantly dialled her mother's number and handed him the phone. They looked so close even though they met after a decade. She was internally crying waterfalls seeing the two reunite like in a movie. She was happy she didn't hesitate to call Utsui, she was happy for all that she pulled courage for; it could've gone so wrong but it didn't and she silently thanked her stars.

Ushijima spoke to his father all night, even about volleyball. Utsui told him how he cheered for his son from the side of the TV, how he always thought of spending time with his son but couldn't, and everything in between. Wakatoshi looked at the stars thanking Kami for Sakura.

"Wakatoshi... I've been thinking of this for some time now"

"Otosama, what it is?"

"If I should see your mother again"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now