I Love You More 🍋

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Oikawa's PoV

I called Sakura over so I could apologise to her and after a lot of convincing she agreed.

I made ramen and soup burning my hand at least a few million times. She deserved it. All of it.

The door knocked and I flung my apron away running to the nearest mirror to check if I looked okay. I put on a cologne and rushed to open the door. My hand froze when I touched the handle. She was really outside. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Oh, Sakura. I'm glad you could make it" I smiled.

"That's... no problem" she softly said. She stole my breath away. Those deep ocean eyes were going to be the death of me. Her existence was sinful.

"What is it?" She asked, making me stop staring at her.

"Oh, gomen. Please come in" I opened the door wider so she could get in.

I led her to the dining and laid the soup and ramen I made before her.

"You... you made these?" She asked, slightly in shock because she knew for a fact that I didn't know how to make those.

"Yes" I looked at my fingers.

"You didn't have to..." she softly said "but thanks"

"Sakura chan... I cannot apologise enough to have put you through all that."

"It's alright. We were little" she hesitantly smiled. The hurt was evident but she tried her best to conceal it.

The world around me was going in slow motion as I saw her take a bite of the ramen. "This is delicious!" I could see the slight blush that dusted on her cheeks. That face, I wanted to grab that face and kiss her.

I heard her let out a soft gasp breaking me from my train of thoughts. The bowl was hot from the soup and she had slightly burnt her fingers. Without thinking twice I jumped from my chair and carefully held her fingers as I examined them. I softly blew against her fingers and she gulped. I raised my head to look at her only to realise how close our faces were.

"O-Oikawa Senpai..." she whispered, her cheeks flushing. My hand found its way to her face, gently caressing her soft cheeks that I once kissed. My system wasn't listening to me anymore.

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." I barely found my voice and her breath hitched.

"Oh, Sakura..." I couldn't take my eyes off her face. "Forgive me for I've sinned. That is the biggest blunder I can ever commit"

"I-It's okay" her lips quaked and she bit it to stop the trembling, I felt my heart drop from my chest.

"Kami, save me" I said before I kissed her and felt my soul complete. Her soft lips jump started my heart again. The taste of her lips reminded me just how much I missed them, I knew I was a complete idiot. I felt my life being pushed back into my body. She hesitantly held my collar and kissed me back.

I broke the kiss "I've missed you so much, babygirl" I said in all honesty.

"I... I missed you too" she said. Her eyes showing just how much I'd hurt her.

"Fuck!" My eyes pricked uncontrollably "What have I done" I nuzzled my face in her neck inhaling her scent that made me feel the actual pain, the pain of being hit in the head with a club. My tears flowed.

"Oikawa san..." she sounded concerned "Please don't cry" she gently ran her hand through my hair and it was so soothing. I missed her touch so much. I couldn't put it into words how sorry I was.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now