One Bad Day

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Thank you so damn much for putting up with me for so long. We're 79 chapters through and I'm glad to see you still here. I mean it. Hope you guys are safe! Sending my love and prayers your way.


Ushijima was at the peak of his disassociation. He distanced himself from everything and everyone. He'd quietly pick Sakura up and walk to school, then drop her back and walk straight home. He'd have lunch by himself and occasionally nod only when spoken to, his practice had been constricted to the minimum for some time because of his injury, he'd practice like he always did but barely ever spoke to his team. Everyone had begun to forget what he even sounded like. Furuya at least spoke a little, but the captain... not even a whisper.

"Does he tell you anything?" Semi was worrying.

"Rarely" she sighed.

"He looks depressed" Shirabu said spinning the ball in his hand.

"You should talk him out of it, ya know" Tendou jumped into her line of sight.

"I should. The U-19 is really close. We've to leave to Tokyo next week" she said.

"Oh, that's so cool!" Goshiki has stars in his eyes.

Once practice ended late in the evening she hurriedly ran towards Ushijima who had already set out from school. "Wait for me!" He stopped when he realised that he had left her behind.

"Oh, damn" she was panting for air as she bent down to hold her knees for support. "Practice was intense enough"

"Sumimasen" he flatly said and patiently waited for her to regain her breath before resuming their journey back home.

"We need to talk" she said.

"Another time" his eyes were on the road.


"I don't think today's a go-"

"It's been two weeks! You've been so sad, it's hard for me too. You've completely shut me out" she sadly pointed.

"I'll call you" was his answer.

"I can't see you like this"

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Baby, talk to me" she looked at his face hoping that he'd let her in on his inner turmoil.

"Not now, please"

"Why is it bothering you so much?"

"I don't know"

"Please talk to me"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"It's not your fault-"

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" He snapped. "Why can't you understand?!"

Sakura stopped dead in her tracks.

"I'll tell you when I will" he said and looked at her house at the end of the road before looking back at her agonized face. "Good night" he walked away. She took deep breaths as she walked back home.

'It's okay, he's just really upset. He's just sad. It's okay, he's just really upset. He's just sad. It's okay, he's just really upset. He's just sad.'

"Sakura, dinner's ready" her mother smiled when she arrived.

"Okaasan, I'm sorry, I'm really not hungry today. I had a protein snack earlier. I'm going to take a bath and sleep now" she smiled after successfully lying to her mother and made her way upstairs, straight to her room.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now