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The whole week of camp ended. Itachiyama never showed up to the camp. Everyone worked really hard and grew much more than they thought they could. It was a really accomplishing opportunity everyone was very grateful for. But one thing Ushijima or Sakura or anyone from Shiratorizawa, especially Coach Washijo wasn't grateful for, was Ushijima's wounded arm. His dominant arm. Left.

Long story short, Tendou and Tetsuro thought it was a good idea to push him around in a trolley on their last day of training. Only Kami knows how he got Ushijima to even agree to do that but he ended up falling down the stairs.

"Well, that's some dipshit move" Sakura mocked him back and a visible pink hue appeared on his cheek out of embarrassment

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"Well, that's some dipshit move" Sakura mocked him back and a visible pink hue appeared on his cheek out of embarrassment.

Sakura went to Ushijima's place that evening knowing that his mother wouldn't be there and cleaned his place for him even though he disagreed to it. She also made egg rolls, yakimeshi rice and hot soup for him.

"Don't you think that's a lot for just the two of us?" He blankly asked.

"You'll need it. Toshi-san" she gently smiled at him placing the hot food before him.

"Oh, you're still in your jersey" she realised.

His arm was in a cast.

"Will you help me change, Sakura?" His deep voice rang in her stomach. She gulped as her face went red.

"H-Hai..." she followed him to his room. He winced in pain as she took the shirt off trying her utmost to not have it touch the cast in the process. He looked delicious even if he was dirty and Sakura had to take a quick mental timeout to compose herself.

"You need a shower" she said pushing him into the bathroom. She walked in too.

"Take your clothes off" she said and Ushijima froze.

"I'm not gonna look, I promise." She turned around.

While he did his best to take his clothes off with one hand, she adjusted the water temperature and he shied away from the steaming hot water as soon as it touched his shoulder.

"That's too hot" he said.

"Gomen!" She apologised "my shower is always this hot. Gomen" she turned the knob a little and he slowly sank his body back into the not-boiling-hot shower resting his plastered arm on the towel stand and let out a groan in relief.

Sakura shampooed his hair and helped him scrub himself before wrapping him in a towel. Ushijima couldn't have asked for anything else. Her touch alone was enough to keep his pain at bay. He looked down at her flushed face, her hands figuring his structure out as she ran the towel over his body.

She helped him put his clothes on and dried his hair with a smaller towel as he let himself get lost in the warmth. This meant everything to him. Ushijima wasn't fancy like that. He liked how she did little things for him. They were barely together for a month and she showered him. She also cleaned and cooked for him. He closed his eyes and dwelled in the feeling of her hands gently rubbing his hair dry with a towel. A soft growl escaped his mouth in satisfaction making her jump a little.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now