Peanut Butter JELLY

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That's what happened every time Ushijima was in Monthly Volleyball. At least 4 of them asked him out. Sakura internally smacked herself for not paying attention to this before. But there was one thing for sure. Her insides were rolling on hot grill.

She waited for him after practice but it didn't look like he'd show up anytime soon. She looked around for him. The gym was closed too. She faintly saw his silhouette seated on a bench near the library and made her way to him but saw another girl beside him as she closed in on him.

"Great" she turned around but stopped.

'Would he just walk away if I were talking to a guy?' NO

She gathered some courage and walked towards them, her eyes fixed on the back of her head, boring holes.

"Ahem" she cleared her throat and Ushijima turned around to look at her. A faint smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw her.

"I've been waiting for you" she forced a flat smile and the girl looked at Sakura venomously.

"Ah. Sumimasen" he got up but the girl held his sleeve. Sakura's intestines were in a twist.

"You said you'd listen to me, Ushijima san" she whined. By the sound of her request she didn't seem like she'd let go of him any time soon.

"I just need a minute" Sakura coldly said.

"What's with her?!" The girl hissed.

Ushijima ignored the girl and walked with her to the side.

"Care to explain what's happening?" She asked.

"She said she wanted to say something to me for a long time. I told her I wasn't interested so she told me to hear her out at the least..." he blinked like the kid he was "I didn't want to be rude"

"I don't like it" she mumbled to herself.

"Huh?" He hadn't quite heard her.

"Pour your hearts out to each other for as long as you want, I'm going home" she turned around to leave.

"What's wrong?" He wasn't getting it still. As smart as he was, his assessment skills in a relationship were zero. Honestly, who could blame the cinnamon roll?

"Ushijima saaan..." the girl pulled his arm towards the bench.

"Nothing. Finish whatever you started there" she said and slipped away from his grasp, heading straight home.

"A confession, my ass. I am your girlfriend, for what?!" She angrily kicked a pebble on her way home.

"I'm glad to hear that but why aren't you home yet?" She heard a voice and instantly knew who it was.

"Oikawa san" she blankly looked at him.

"I thought I'd never hear it from you again" he smiled at her tilting his head sideways.

"It wasn't for you so cut it" she said.

"Is everything alright? You seem pretty angry"

"I'm okay" she headed to the vending machine at a nearby store and he followed her.

"I know that face." He smiled "Does his popularity cons get to you?"

She remembered when Oikawa was her boyfriend and she always had to suppress her jealousy for the attention he got from all the girls.

"I know you hate it" he said pressing the button for her and handed her strawberry milk.

"I want vanilla" she scoffed.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now