I Got You Baby 🍋

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Please bear with me for 20 more chapters. It's chapter 80 already. The blueprint's ready so all I've to do is write. The story is gonna be a little fast paced from here cz I've to finish at 100. I got quite a few lemon🍋 requests so the last part of this chapter is gonna be lemon 🍋. You know what to do if you can't handle lemons... skip after the warning.

Sakura's eyes fluttered open when she felt the cold against her face. Ushijima caressed her face with cold water so she'd wake up.

"Have you eaten?" Was the first thing he softly asked. Silence was her best answer. He handed her his bottle so she could hydrate a little.

"You're cold" he took his blazer off and wrapped it around her. She had no energy to complain. He placed her hands around his neck and looked at her face for any change in expression. She looked very pale.

"Hold onto me, baby" he circled his arm around her legs and effortlessly picked her up. She looked at his tensed face as he walked back home and slowly traced her fingers along his jaw as he occasionally moved his eyes towards her to make sure she's alright, her head was still buzzing. People stopped to gape at them and it didn't seem to bother him one bit.

He got her home and sat her on the kitchen counter. "Here" he handed her an energy bar "I'll make something real quick." He kissed her forehead "What do you want to eat, princess?"

She slightly shook her head indicating that she didn't have a preference and he wasted no time in getting started.

"Why aren't you at school?" She asked, still munching on the energy bar he gave her.

"I can't leave you alone." He stepped away to wait for the broth to condense and made his way towards her "I'm sorry" his hand cupped her cheek. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I don't mean it and I'll never get mad at you again." He took her hand in his and kissed it. "I'm so sorry. You're always here when I need you and I wasn't for you today."

"But you're here now" she timidly said.

"I wouldn't have let you out of my sight had I known better. Please forgive me" he meant it. He meant every word of it.

"It's alright" she let out a small smile pinching his cheek.

"Why can't you take care of yourself? I was so worried when I saw you there!" His tone had totally changed. He sounded so soft yet angry, his voice laced with utmost concern. "Why do you do this to me? What if I didn't find you when I did? How would you get back home?"

"I'm sorry." Was all she could say. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. "I love you" his voice trembled "I love you, Sakura. So don't scare me like that again, disappearing out of the blue."

"I love you, too" she almost inaudibly said. She was melting in his arms again. She was surprised and happy at the same time. Ushijima expressed himself and he did a really good job at it. She felt like a proud parent. He pulled away only to kiss her briefly. "Wait here" he said before he moved towards the hob again.

The next thing she knew was her hot hot boyfriend holding the hot udon in his chopsticks, against her lips. Her eyes moved to examine the carefully curated bowl of udon and internally combusted. "Eat" it was rather a command.

"This is so good" her eyes widened making him smile in satisfaction. "I'm glad you like it"

"Oh, I love it. This is delicious" she said as he fed her the udon. He later went to his fridge as she drank the soup got her a small carton of strawberry milk.

"You drink strawberry milk?" She eyed him.

"It's for you" he hesitantly said. Her mouth fell agape when she saw a ton of those in his fridge.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now