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That picture just made my heart buzz like crazy. He's so fucking hot I CANNOT EMPHASISE ENOUGH

So, it's Mother's Day here. Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers out there. 🥰

I love you guys so darn much I can't even begin to write about it here. I send my warm love prayers to all of you. ♥️

Ushijima refused to budge from his seat. He buried his head in his hands and cursed himself for leaving her alone. He was scared out of his wits. He wasn't ready to lose either of them.

"Hey" he heard an awfully familiar voice "I'm sorry"


"Long time" Ushijima whispered.

"Yeah... she'll be okay" he smiled "It's our Sakura chan after all. The Sniper"

"Ushiwaka" Semi walked in. "Oh, Tendou" he flatly nodded at him.

"What did you find?" Ushijima lifelessly looked at him.

"Here" he gave him a sandwich box which the Ace just held in his hand. He had no power to digest anything.

Semi sat beside him "He wanted to get to you"

Ushijima's eyes clamped shut in despair, he had never felt so hopeless in life. "He didn't talk a word other than how you ruined him and all he did during the interrogation was just horribly curse at you. But you know what's weird?" Semi asked and Ushijima looked at him "He had a spare key. Not a duplicate. A spare key"

"Only our maid has the spare key" Ushijima skeptically said.

"And where is she?"

"Shit" Ushijima looked away.

"She helped him? Why would she do that?" Tendou mumbled to himself.

"It's either that he's got something one her, owes him a favour, plotted this together or... is his wife"

"Tendou you're in need of a doctor I still can't believe you have a medical license" Semi said.

"And I can't believe your hopeless ass serves our country" he shot back.

"He's not wrong until he's proven so." Ushijima flatly said supporting Tendou.

"Who told you that?!" Semi asked.

"A guy from the DA's office." He said.

"Who?" Tendou asked.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" The devil came running. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!"

"Tetsuro" Ushijima answered their question while also addressing his brother in law.

"...then found him hiding in the garage" Semi told him the whole story.

"You okay?" It was Tetsuro's first time being so collected. He was the one to break down first when it came to Sakura.

"I might just lose everything" he said, it was a rather sad reunion under very unfortunate circumstances.

"How long till you file it?" Tetsuro asked Semi.

"Once we find the maid, we're done."

"I'm gonna take this case myself" Tetsuro was fuming "I'm gonna pull out every single stunt he's ever pulled and seal his fucking fate"

"Alright then, I'm gonna go try to find her as soon as possible. We have her wanted on paper, she won't run too far. You take care of Sakura chan" Semi walked away.

Tetsuro had almost fallen asleep on the chair. Ushijima's breathing had become difficult. His heart was racing at the visible dead end. If he lost her he'd lose everything in life. He'd have lost its whole purpose. He felt his hands go numb, the series of chills that went down his spine made him continuously gasp for breath waking Tetsuro up.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now