High and Low

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Sakura's eyes slowly opened when the sun rays peeked through the blinds and the first thought that crossed her mind was 'I hope Toshi san is alright'

She had mixed feelings prodding inside her as she picked her phone up.

'Do I call him?'

'What if he wants some space?'

'What if he needs me?'

"Hello?" His voice answered. She had slight relief wash over her mind, to have heard his voice first thing in the morning. But something wasn't alright. He sounded so plain. Anyone who'd listen to Ushijima talk would say that he normally sounded plain, but Sakura knew there was something wrong with him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Fine" he blankly said. Even though he had nothing to say there, she read him fine. She knew Ushijima like she knew her spikes.

"Are you busy?"


"Can I come over?"

"Please" he said, his tone slightly slipping from the usual, almost giving away his serious demeanour.

"I will, baby. Just hang on" it was as though she heard him through his cracks.

After helping her mother out and finishing her errands as quickly as possible, she put on her warmest jacket and a pair of earmuffs before she hurried to his place, swatting away every thought that crossed her mind. She wanted her health to be the last thing on his mind, he was so upset the previous evening he didn't talk to Sakura. He said he'd sleep through it but his heart was arrhythmic all night. She was worried, but decided to give him some space and wait till dawn. She had been worried all evening, he didn't sound like himself. Nobody could really tell, nobody but Sakura.

"Toshi san!" She gasped looking at him lifelessly curled on the couch. "You're gonna catch a cold like this" the ever careful Ushijima looked reckless that day and Sakura's anxiety grew tenfold.

She placed her hand against his face "You have a fever" her voice croaked when she felt the heat against her palm.

"Hold on, baby" she managed to whisper before she hurried to turn the heater on. She got the warmest blankets to cover him up as he laid there without moving a single muscle. She placed a wet cloth against his forehead as her eyes painfully scanned his face. He was awful to even look at.

The light in his eyes had snuffed out as he blankly stared at the window, focusing on nothing in particular. She kneeled on the floor, her face disrupting his line of sight as she registered his face again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She was already in tears looking at him like that. He looked so worn out even if it was just morning, his face had sunken, like he hadn't any sleep the previous night.

*No response*

"Toshi san..." her fingers softly traced her cheek.

"He doesn't want to see me again" his voice was sore.

"Who told you that?" She bent her head sideways to meet the inclination of his face on the couch.


"What did he tell you?"

"That I shouldn't try to reach him again"

"Did he tell you why?"

"No" he said. His irises, however, slightly moved to align with hers.

"Does he hate me?"

"He doesn't. Nobody can"

"But I did everything he wished for"

"I'm sure he's proud of you" she said. She could swear she saw his eyes gloss for a moment there. Ushijima wouldn't never cry in front of another person. Not before his own mother. Not even before his girlfriend.

Sakura gently lifted his head and sat on the couch before placing his head on her lap and softly ran her hands through his hair.

"What do I do?"

"Patience, baby." She cooed "Don't give up just yet"

He got up from her warmth, surprising her even. He glanced at her before he pulled her legs sideways so she faced him and when she did, he gripped her ankle and pulled her towards him so she laid on the couch before slowly crawling into her arms, making her lightly squeal. She was the only warmth he could afford. She was the only warmth he needed. He nuzzled his face in her neck as she tightly held him, not wanting him to miss even a single ounce of the comfort she could offer. She would've even walked across the globe, barefoot, if that meant he'd get better.

"I'm here, Toshi san" she whispered caressing his head and felt his grip around her tighten "I'm right here"

They even skipped practice that day and laid in the same position all day. He didn't let Sakura get up to even cook for him. She had to physically push him herself and struggle away from his hold to make it to the kitchen where he followed her like a lost puppy.

"You shouldn't get up, you're sick"

*No response*

She sat beside him on the couch and softly blew over the spoonful of food she made for him. His favourite. Hayashi rice stew. He just looked at her face, he didn't even respond to her. He didn't realise the spoon against his lips.

"Just a little, baby" she said "please?"

His lips managed to move a little making it easier for her to feed him. He ate all of what she made him eat without any complaints. She would've loved to hear him complain too if that meant he'd talk.

She put his arm around her and managed to get him under the shower. After a hot shower and a fresh change of clothes, she had him drink his medicine before she tucked him in his  bed. She didn't know how else she could comfort him but she did everything her mind could think of.

"The fever has reduced" she mumbled before she sent a silent prayer when his temperature wasn't as high anymore.

"Close your eyes" she said and he slightly shook his head.

"But you need to sleep"

"You'll be gone when I wake up" he said forcing his eyes open. She knew that the medicine would make his eyes droop by now and that's what she wanted him to do. Rest. Rest his body and mind.

"I'm always here" she placed a hand on his heart "Because I love you" She kissed his forehead "The most"

"Don't go"

"I'm not going until later. I promise." She said closing his eyes with her palm and he held her hand while fighting with his eyelids to stay awake. After a long battle, he gave up.

A tear finally escaped her eye, she had it in for so long "I'm so sorry, Toshi san" she softly ran her thumb over his knuckles "You'll feel better when you wake up. I really hope you do" she sniffled, trying to be as inaudible as possible "I really hope you stop hurting, Toshi san"

When she was certain that he'd slept, she snuck into his phone, occasionally glancing his baby face that looked so peaceful fast asleep.

She dialled the number on her phone and her breath hitched. She knew it was a bad idea. She also knew Ushijima would be furious if he found out, but she couldn't hold back, she couldn't see him hurting. She hadn't gotten her answers yet, she didn't know why he said he didn't want to see his son anymore. The son he once claimed to love so much.


"Utsui san?"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now