Brace the Fall

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"Sakura, please open the door!" She was nervous when she heard Ushijima's tense voice outside her room. She was so scared she could hear her own heart, her breaths were erratic and her legs trembled.

She sat frozen on her bed, her knee hurt like shit and her legs wouldn't move now that she knew Ushijima was here. Her feet seemed to only faintly remember how cold the floor was.

"Sakura, please" he pleaded.

"Open the door..." he said "before I break it"

She knew damn well that he was more than capable of doing it. If he could destroy Date Tech's iron wall, a plank of wood wasn't gonna stand a chance against him.

The door clicked open and Ushijima's heart dropped when he saw her inanimate face. Her eyes hadn't even a spec of light, she didn't glow anymore. Her cheeks were hollowing out and she looked like a walking dead. Sakura's mother gasped in horror and Tetsuro took a step backwards, Ushijima's feet were glued to the ground, he couldn't believe it was really happening. "Kaasama, we'll get her downstairs. Don't worry yourself with this"

Sakura slowly turned around and limped towards her bed. Tetsuro quickly scooted her up in his arms and sat her on the edge of her bed "Chibi, don't do this to yourself"

Ushijima quietly kneeled before her and examined her brace. She retracted her leg when his fingers grazed it. His sorry eyes examined her lifeless face "Does it hurt, baby?" were the first words that softly dropped from his lips.

She refused to look at him. After a minute of silence, "What am I going to do now?" She slowly whispered, only enough for the two pairs of ears to pick up. The hopelessness clearly reflecting in her voice. Pearls of sadness rolled down her cheeks and her brother involuntarily looked away, his heart went out for her. Ushijima slipped his hand into hers and gripped it tight "Come to Tokyo" he said while his other hand wiped her tears "We'll do everything we can first"

"He's right" Tetsuro finally found his voice. She gave them a soft nod.

"Excuse me" Tetsuro walked out the door when his phone rang.

"Why can't you look at me?" He asked.

"Do you hate me?" She hesitantly asked.

"Why would you say that?" He was shocked.

"I can't play volleyball anymore"

"It's not your fault" he said "Did you actually think I'd stop loving you if you can't play anymore?"

He scoffed in disbelief when she nodded.

"How can I ever hate you, princess? You're so perfect"

She was one step away from internal mortification and he still called her perfect. She didn't know if she had to endlessly loathe herself or love him even more.

"Come to Tokyo with me today, it's already Friday so you can stay over for the weekend and we'll get this checked" he caressed her knee brace.

"Your practice"

"You can come watch." He smiled.


"If that makes you feel better"

Her eyes widened when Ushijima picked her up and headed down the stairs. She hesitantly held onto his neck as he placed her at the table, her mother made runny porridge for her.

"I don't want to eat" she mumbled.

"Then drink it" her mother snapped. "You'll starve to death before you die of anything else"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now