Beginning and the End

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Ushijima put his arm around her and helped her walk out. He wanted to pick her up and take her to the infirmary himself but coach would break his knuckles so he could only help her limp.

Once they were out the gym door and out of coach's sight, he did what he intended to. He picked her up and she squealed, before steadily walking towards the infirmary. Her heart was beating in her ears with the proximity.

"I'm sorry, you can't play" the doctor said.

"Why? Can't you fix it for now so I can play?"

"You really shouldn't. You can barely walk now."

"But I can..."

"I advise against it" the doctor said looking at Ushijima.

Sakura fell silent after that. Ushijima picked her up again walking back out only to see Oikawa waiting for them outside. Ushijima ignored him and walked towards the gym.

"Oye, I'm right here!" Oikawa said stopping him.

"Is she okay? Can she play?"

"Mind your business"

"I can help" he said "let me see" by the looks of it Oikawa wasn't playing around. Ushijima sat her on a chair and cautiously eyed Oikawa while he kneeled before her and held her foot. Iwaizumi came running, he looked like he searched the entire arena for Oikawa.

"Oikawa, lets go" he said apologising to the two. "Sorry about him"

"Shut up, Iwa" he moved her foot and she let out a soft gasp in pain. Oikawa froze when he heard her, he was scared of hurting her again.

"This is going to hurt, Sakura chan"

Without a warning he palmed her heel and forcefully pushed it. Her ankle cracked and her eyes went wide. She bit her lip tying to control the pain. Oikawa eyed her for a second and felt his heart leap out of his chest. That was his weak spot. Every time she bit her lip he'd go dizzy.

"It's... only temporary" Oikawa sounded like a total fool.

"Thank you" she softly said avoiding eye contact.

His heart got heavier as he saw Sakura leave with Ushijima. Her ankle was much better.

She walked back into the gym and all she focused on was winning. Shiratorizawa had won the first set but the second was hopeless.


"This looks bad" Sakura said walking in and coach looked at Ushijima for an answer to which Ushijima just nodded.

"Sakura, careful out there" he softly said and she subbed back in. Her concentration scared their opponents. "Yoshia Senpai. How good is your spike?" She asked.

"She's our other ace" Kiyomi said.

"Would you mind if I were to be the setter for this set?" She inaudibly asked Yoshia and Kiyomi choked on the water.

"Sakura, don't give me heart attacks like that!" She scolded.

"But can you toss?" Yoshia asked.

"We'll have to see how it works" Sakura said and they nodded in hesitation.

"She's upto something" Ushijima said to the coach.

"Well, isn't she always?" The coach laughed.

Sakura knew what she was doing. She practised with her brother after all. Not just that, she had also picked up some moves from Tobio.

The captain received the ball and Sakura jumped to toss. Date tech was taken aback since she was always the one to spike. Mei and Yoshia ran in opposite directions waiting for the ball to be tossed either way. But Sakura being Sakura, pushed the ball to drop into their court as they all stood dumbfounded.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now