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Sakura silently weeped on her way back home. She didn't bother to even look ahead.

"HEY!" Someone held her arm and pulled her to the side making her crash against the tough surface. A person. "Christ, you shouldn't walk on the road like that, miss" he looked at the passing car and down at the girl against him.

"Furuya san?"

"Yes, that's me- Woah, are you okay?" He looked at her puffy red eyes and she looked back down when she realised the same.

"He fucked up, didn't he?" Furuya smirked. His smirk fell when he saw the tear stains on her face.

"Hey" he wiped her tears away.

"It's nothing." She whispered.

"Tell me, baby" he worriedly asked.

"I'm not your baby" she looked at her feet.

"You're my friend. Of course you are" he flashed his million dollar smile.

"Do you call all your friends that?"

"Course" he lied. Before she could respond any further he held her hand and walked her to a cafe nearby.

"So, tell me" he said and she quietly stirred her drink without making a sound.

"Sakura..." he lightly growled. His sculpted face tensed when he saw her so sad.

"His ex is back" she huffed in despair.

"Which one?" His lips pursed trying to control his smile.

"Miyuki" she said and he choked on his drink.

"You know her?"

"Who doesn't?" He coughed a little trying to recover "Miyuki's back?" He asked her in surprise.

"Yeah. How do you know her?" Sakura asked.

"She's my ex"

"..." Sakura just raised her brows and stared at him wide eyed.

"Come on, baby. Is there someone that doesn't fall for this handsome face? Nah..." he chuckled. He was a really cool person. Funny too.

"What's the story?"

"It's weird." He said not knowing how to begin "Well, your boyfriend... Ex if not already..."

She glared at him.

"Okay, fine. Wakatoshi and I used to be really close back in Shiratorizawa Junior High"

"You were in Miyagi!?"

"Yeah, my family's here. I live here when I'm not in school" he sipped his drink. "So, this girl was... umm... my girlfriend... like the serious ones" he was fumbling awkwardly.

"Man, you're so weird" she slumped back into her seat folding her hands and scoffed almost laughing.

"Okay, I loved her." He blurted "Very much" he paused like he was refreshing his memory, it looked like he had a bad one there.

"We were seeing each other in secret. Then she cheated on me." He cleared his throat "With Wakatoshi"

"Don't tell me that's why you hate him" she was having heart attacks.

"One of the reasons. Yes." He guilty said looking at her.


"I convinced myself that it was a one time thing and let it slide"

"Oh, boy"

"Yeah... but she kept going back to him. He was a player back then. Never serious. Had ego the size of an elephant." He scoffed disappointedly.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now