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Ushijima was outside Sakura's place fifteen minutes early and her mother invited him in.

"Breakfast, Wakatoshi?" Her mother asked.

"Thank you, but I just had-"

There came a huge noise from where the staircase was.

Sakura tumbled over the last few steps and had landed on the floor with a thud.

"SAKURA!" Her mother rushed along with Ushijima.

"Are you alright?" Ushijima quickly helped her up.

"Yeah, I just need some time to adjust to this one" she pointed at the crutch and Ushijima's face scrunched in worry.

"Sakura, how can you be so careless?" Her mother had tears in her eyes. "First your leg... and... and now this!"

"Okaasan, injuries are bound to happen in the-"

"In the game! Stop talking like your brother!" She yelled at her before she stormed back into the kitchen.

"Sakura, she's not wrong" Ushijima helped her limp to the dining room.

"I know. But I need to do that so she doesn't tell my brother" Sakura whispered.

"He doesn't know?" Ushijima chuckled.

"I need to tell him myself... Shh!" She shushed him when they reached the table.

"Breakfast..." her mother didn't look like she'd talk to Sakura anytime soon. She was rather upset.

"Okaasan, it's only ten days" she whined but her mother didn't answer.

Ushijima drank tea while she quickly gobbled half her breakfast and took her medicine before she headed out the door.

"Oye, you forget you're limp"

"Ushijima san, you don't have to put it that way"

"Then don't hurt yourself so often" he blankly said and she narrowed her eyes at him. Since she had her crutch with her she said an absolute no to physically picking her up no matter how much Ushijima threatened her.

He was different however. He walked her all the way to class. "Ushijima san... I can walk to class myself"

"I'll see you at lunch" he said ignoring what she said and walked away. She only later realised that the whole corridor was gawking at her because Ushijima walked her to class.

"Wow, that's so cool!" One of the girls from class B ran upto her "Can you introduce me to him??"

"Sakura chan, can you give him my number?"

"Can you call him again later so I can talk to him?"

'Honestly, that's my boyfriend' she sweat dropped in disappointment.

"Sakura, how's your leg?" Finally one concerned person... Yumiko.

"I'm fine. Do you have practice today?" Sakura asked.

"We do. But you can't play"

"Can't I even toss??" Sakura was beyond disappointed.

"Well, if you ask Kiyomi san..."

"Forget it" Sakura knew Kiyomi would blast her ass back home.

Sakura had gone to her brother's volleyball club a few times to observe what they played like. She also met the coach there and he appreciated her very much, so much that he actually gave her a few pointers on receiving and spiking. Indirectly though. By letting her watch their practise matches. Since it was Friday, Sakura decided to go to her brother's school again early the next day.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now