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Under Sakura's captaincy, Kitagawa Daiichi won the junior high championships like they did the previous year. Sakura was invited by the national academy for crash training. Her brother was super proud of her, and so was her mother.

Sakura changed a great deal by the time she graduated junior high. She walked through the gates of Shiratorizawa, with her eyes fixed on two things. Winning the national championship and graduating with a gold in academics.

She had worked extra hard for that throughout junior high. The Oikawa frustration syndrome was real, the diversion of stress to volleyball and academics helped her a great deal.

Her mother was overjoyed when Sakura was sent an invitation to join Shiratorizawa.

Yumiko scraped through and got into Shiratorizawa while Tobio Kageyama made it to Karasuno high school.

People stopped to look at the long haired brunette walk into their campus with such grace. She wasn't as timid anymore although she limited socialisation.

She headed straight to orientation ignoring everyone else.

"Sakura! You made it!" Yumiko hugged her and Sakura softly returned it. "I guess I did"

"Well, you didn't make it here you were invited, so don't be that modest" Yumiko poked.

"Excuse me..." they heard a voice "Aren't you Kitagawa Daiichi's Sniper?" It was a tall boy, by the looks of it he was into sports.

"Yes, she is!" Yumiko intervened and his eyes widened.

"I'm Higero Fugisaki, second year. I'm on the basketball team." He introduced himself politely. "The entire Shiratorizawa sports academy is gonna be so stoked to see you here. They've been anticipating your arrival"

Sakura was dead confused.

"I mean, we did really want to poach the Sniper into Shiratorizawa." He chuckled but his eyes went wide when he realised something.

"GUYS! Look who I found here!" He turned around and called his friends.

"He's so hot! Look at those muscles!" Yumiko squealed in Sakura's ear and she scoffed as a response.

"The Sniper? Woah! You're really real"

So, long story short, Sakura and Yumiko were friends with the basketball, swim and football teams before the orientation even began.

"Say..." Fugisaki hesitantly said. "What's with you and Oikawa Tooru?"

Sakura froze and Yumiko's face drained of colours. Fugisaki almost regretted asking.

"That's some really old story" Sakura smiled.

Yumiko sighed in relief. Back in junior high, Sakura had completely locked her out. She wouldn't let anyone in. She rose her walls so high even Yumiko barely had access to her. She had barely seen Sakura break down. Maybe twice. But the rest, not even that. She knew the phase Sakura went through and when he asked that question, Yumiko was worried if she'd go back to being the same again.

"Oh... man he really is blind, isn't he?" He chuckled.

"That he is" she flatly smiled.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now