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Ushijima blankly sat on the couch as his mother launched a barrage of questions at him.

"Is this Tenodu's jacket?"

"It's Sakura's" he flatly said.

"Why couldn't you just say yes and get away with it? You're too righteous. Like your father" she scoffed "What is it doing here?"

"It must've gotten there in the ruckus, I need to give it back to her" he replied.

"Why do you have her scrunchie?"

"Because she forgot it back there" he said and his mother lightly slapped her own forehead and groaned.

"Is she still your girlfriend?"


"WHY? Just why??"

"I love her"

"You're in high school"

"I know" he blinked. His mother couldn't talk to him anymore.

"Anyway congratulations" her voice fell low "I saw your match on the TV and couldn't feel any prouder"

A wall of emotions built inside him. His mother had appreciated him after years of hard work, he instantly shook his thoughts away. "We practiced" he replied instead.

"Say, the girls team won second, didn't they?" She asked and his hand involuntary gripped his pants. "What's wrong?" His mother had barely seen him express emotions and was worried with his sudden reachtion.

"Sakura couldn't play in the finals... she had a concussion."

"Oh! She's the... Umm... wait... what do you call... umm... the ace that got injured. Right?" She asked. He looked at her in surprise. This was the very first time she paid attention to his interest in sports.

"H-Hai..." he said as his face softened.

"Is she alright?"


"I was going cleaning your room the other day and found a giant stack of monthly volleyball..." She slyly said and he froze " eyes must've tricked me because they were all the same"

"H-hai" he said.

"I saw Sakura in it" she smiled at him.

"She's... there too"

"HAAAH?!? Don't lie to your mother! You bought all those because Sakura is featured" she slightly smacked his head before making her way back to the kitchen.

"Hai" he flatly said even though his heart was beating in his ears. He hadn't been so directly confronted by his mother before.

"Call her for dinner sometime." He heard her from the kitchen and his lips curled into a small smile.


"My body is so sore..." Sakura groaned rolling on the couch. She wore full pants to hide them markings.

"I hope you rested well, that concussion had your brother and I so worried!" Her mother said. "Why can't you be more careful?"

"It happens-"

"Don't give me that! Your brother manages to stay fine" she scolded.


The door knocked saving Sakura from her mother's wrath. She opened the door to see the someone she least expected.

"NIISAAAANN!!" She jumped into his arms. Her mother hurried to see if it was true or just one of Sakura's bad pranks.

"Tetsu... Okaerinasai" she smiled. "You've grown so tall, my boy"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now