Only for You

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Contains slight lemon in the last part and fully in the next. You know the drill, skip if you don't like lemons 🍋

Everyone on the bus were as hyper as they could get. Sakura, as usual, was sitting with Ushijima and the rest sat in the ascending order of decibels, the noisiest at the back.

"Sakura chan... that Fukurodani match was so... satisfying" Tendou said.

"He just means to say awesome" Semi smirked.

"No, I don't. Say, Sakura chan..." he bent closer to her across the path that divided their seats and Ushijima snaked his hand from behind her and placed his palm next to her face, creating a barrier in between her face and Tendou's.

"You're too close" Ushijima coldly said.

"I don't want your girl, Ushiwaka!" Tendou slapped his hand away.

"As I was saying..." he resumed after glaring at Ushijima "...what's it like? Shattering their hearts?"

"It's..." she couldn't find the word "Very satisfying"

"And what goes on in your head?"

"They try so hard only to fail. That's the only time I don't feel guilty for setting up a trap" she thoughtfully said.

"Oh, I knew you were my type!" He maliciously laughed and Ushijima pulled her closer to him.

"Mendokuse..." Semi groaned. "Ignore him, Sakura chan"

"Well, he's not wrong, you know. The feeling when they fall for it is completely different." She softly laughed and Tendou's eyes widened.

"To think you'd team up with him of all people" he groaned in disappointment.

"Yeah, so you can finally stop crushing on her" Tendou said to Semi making Ushijima glare.

"Listen, Sakura chan..." he peeked at the coaches who were sound asleep "I'm gonna tell this only once... okay?" He said like he was about to disclose his master plan. Sakura thought its was one too.

"Leave Ushijima... and marry me. Okay?" He said so seriously, Sakura gawked with her mouth agape before she burst out laughing. Ushijima had a big frown on his face "Too bad she won't"

"Leave you or marry me?" Tendou wiggled his brows.

"Both!" He said. Semi was sure that when they reached Shiratorizawa, they'd have to conduct Tendou's final rites. Sakura was internally jumping looking at him so jealous and mushy. He looked really cute like that.

As soon as they reached Shiratorizawa, Ushijima swiftly curled his arm around Tendou's neck and held him in a headlock shocking everyone there. Some of them even fused out.

"Ushiwaka! I'm your best friend you wouldn't kill me!!!!" He screamed trying to get out of his grip and he let go.

His team almost passed out looking at Ushijima do that. They were now even more scared of the already unapproachable captain.

Sakura chirped skipping into his house. They were going to make pasta and fries together. Ushijima was furious. He thought it'd go away but in vain. As soon as she entered, he slammed the door shut and pinned her against it.

"So, you're leaving me to marry Tendou" he said and her insides churned. He was very intimidating. Especially his deep voice, the one that made her heart jump. His voice made him 1793020x hotter. His piercing eyes were going to be the end of her. He was so close, his hair was a little out of place, some of them slightly falling over his eyes. She wanted to shower kisses on his face because of how cute he was there but she also was curious to see what he'd do when he was angry. He was hot when he got angry or jealous, can't lie.

"Why would you say that?" She bit her lip to prevent smiling.

"You are?" He ignored her question completely and she just swam in his olive green eyes. "I asked you a question!" His voice boomed through his empty house scaring her for a second.

"No!" She said "I'm not going to marry Tendou"

"Good" he said.

"Are you jealous?" She sneaked in a smile.

"N-No" he stuttered. He's barely ever stuttered.



"Can I go out with him then?"

"Sakura!!" He growled "Fine, I'm jealous."

"Okay" she smiled as she moved away from the door, closer to his face. Her fingers softly caressed his cheek, the distance between their faces barely millimetres apart. She gently placed her lips on his and he lost his breath when she kissed him. His mind went blank, he needed a moment to regain his senses. Her kiss lasted for barely four seconds but it was warm and loving. He gently pushed her back against the door and kissed her passionately, not wanting their kiss to break anymore. She put her hand around his neck and gripped his hair closing whatever little space left between them.

She broke their kiss "Toshi san, you must be exhausted"

"I'm hungry too"

"What do you want to eat?"


"You can't... say that... out loud" she slipped from his hold and ran into the kitchen, her face as red as they could get and he smiled following her.

"How do you cook so well?" She moaned eating the pasta.

"Mother's not around" he said.

"These fries are amazing"

"They are" he said. His eyes caught her lips for a second. He instantly got up from his chair and took a step closer to her, placing his arms on her sides. He bent forward until their lips were almost touching and licked her bottom lips before kissing her. He simply sat back in his chair resuming his dinner. She couldn't process what happened, her legs were trembling.


"Sauce" he flatly said making her breath hitch.

He helped her wash the dishes. With his arms around her, his face in her neck trailing kisses up her earlobe making her almost drop one of the plates.

"Careful, angel" he huskily said. The tension was building. She softly whimpered under his lips helplessly.

Ushijima's PoV

"Toshi san..." her small hand gripped my arm "Please"


The soft gasps that escaped her lips were driving me to the edge. She finally pushed me off the peak "Take me".

She was on my mind ever since I held her from falling, at the tournament, when she was still in Kitagawa Daiichi. I didn't love her back then, she was Oikawa's, but something about her kept bugging my mind. I was taken by a storm the next time I saw her. My palm rested against my aching head as I saw her small figure quivering in fright, she had managed to smack my head with a damn volleyball.

I never thought I'd fall for her. I wasn't one to succumb to my feelings but as time passed the devil got to me. I must've sinned before, my own mind wasn't listening to my pleas, or maybe I was just blessed with a serene angel I couldn't avoid anymore.

I turned her around and kissed her. I'd missed her for so long, with nationals we'd been so busy. Her soft hands tugged my hair as I slipped my arms around her closing the space between us.

I broke the kiss to utter what she alone rightfully deserved to hear.

"I love you, Sakura"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now