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"Otosan! Let's play volleyball" Satoshi tugged Wakatoshi's leg

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"Otosan! Let's play volleyball" Satoshi tugged Wakatoshi's leg.

"Sakura..." He called "We're starting practice"

"I'll be right there!" She said from inside their room.

"Let's put up the net until Sakura and Sawako come out, okay?" he raised the leg his son was glued to and picked him up.

"Where's Tendou san? Where's Ojisan?"

"Ojisan is here!" Tetsuro chirped walking towards the court in their backyard. "Ah, you've grown taller."

"You just saw me yesterday" Sato giggled.

"I know." He fake exclaimed "You've grown since yesterday. I swear in the name of law"

"Really?" He squealed and Tetsuro nodded with a big smile. His smile fell when the six year old said "Then I'm big enough to use a scalpel!"

"A WHAT?!" Wakatoshi and Tetsuro looked at him in horror.

"Tendou showed me how to cut his toy frog. He said that if I grew a little taller I'd be able to do it too!" Satoshi explained excitedly.

"Toy frog?"

"Yeah..." he nodded with his baby voice "It was in a jar."

Tetsuro's eyes were as big as saucers because he knew for a fact that it wasn't a toy frog. Ushijima had frozen on his feet.

"Wait till your mother hears this" his brain was seizing.

"Sato chaaaaan. I'm heeeereee" Tendou walked towards them gleefully waving at his godson. His joy flew away when he saw the two adults look at him in disbelief.

"Tendou saaaaan!" The little kid kicked his legs in the air excitedly while still in his father's arms.

"What else did he show you?" Ushijima asked, his glare not moving away from the red head. Soon to be dead head.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now