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Sakura was nervous to the core. Date tech was a really strong opponent.

"Sakura..." Ushijima said "breathe"

"This is horrifying" Yoshia was so close to having an anxiety attack.

"We lose the moment we panic" Sakura said, to herself and to her team. More like, to herself.

All the boys headed upstairs to watch them from the balcony but one of them stayed behind with the coach. Ushijima.

She couldn't take any more of the anxiety but she knew she had to in order to win. "Ushijima san..." she called.


"How do you manage to stay so calm?" She asked. He almost sweatdropped looking at her hands shake in fright.

"I'm usually not nervous, you know" he awkwardly smiled and she looked at her feet hopelessly.

"But if it helps you" he leaned closer to her ear "two o clock. Balcony"

Her eyes moved to the balcony looking at the boys cheer and when her eyes moved a little to the right, she saw someone she least expected to see there. Oikawa.

"There..." Ushijima said in a very low, intimidating tone "that's why you've to win"

Sakura gulped at what Ushijima said. Her fears, however, vanished. She turned to look at Ushijima and their noses collided. Ushijima involuntarily stepped backwards in shock and she just froze. Sakura felt Oikawa's eyes glaring Ushijima down.

Sakura was a tomato.

"I'm counting on you" he broke her out of her trance.

She got thinking there. She was one step away from the finals and she needed a strategy to win against Date tech.

"Mei Senpai" she called out to Mei. Mei was two years older than her. Mei was her captain back in Kitagawa Daiichi.

"You remember the combination we did back in Kitagawa?" Sakura asked.

"Huh??? You're not serious, are you?" Mei exclaimed.

"Date tech is always known for their blockers. We need it here" Sakura sneakily eyed them.

"But nobody has practised synchronised attacks here" she said.

"But we have" Sakura replied.

"Kiyomi will flip" Mei rubbed her forehead.

Kiyomi really flipped. "There's less than a minute for the match to begin!"

"It's alright... all you've to do is..." Sakura explained to her team and they looked hesitant for a moment.

"Alright! Let's do this then" Kiyomi said and everyone finally agreed.

"SHIIIIRATORIZAWA!!" People from their school cheered.

"Sakura chaaan! GOOD LUCK!!" Her head snapped to look at Karasuno boys team cheering for her and she smiled.

"We're receiving" their captain Kiyomi confirmed.

"We need a Libero" Sakura blurted.

"A... Libero?" Kiyomi wasn't handling the last moment revelations very well.

"Yeah, I can't believe you don't have a libero" Sakura said.

"Sakura..." Kiyomi eyed her "Why are you telling me this now?"

The coach knew Sakura was right. They needed a Libero to win this.

The match began and Date tech's attacks were just as good as their blocks.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now