Mine 🍋

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Look at that 👆🏻 beauty. He's so hot I can't. 😭

AHEM... it's Lemon 🍋 steamy lemon. You know what you gotta do if you don't like lemons!

Also... just a thought. Should I make a Sakusa fanfic after this one?? Let me know. Thank you for bearing with me so far. I love y'all. 💕

Practice was unusually stiff that day. Most of the boys weren't themselves. The girls were scared to even look at the male captain, Sakura had to assure the girls a few million times that Ushijima wasn't really a violent person.

After pouring a few buckets of cold water and emptying a few juice boxes on Tendou, things had seemed to settle down.

Sakura's eyes fell on Ushijima. He didn't look happy, he didn't look uncomfortable either. He looked a little... angry.

"Toshi san, are you okay?" She touched his arm and his though process came to a halt.

"Yes" he flatly said. His eyes scanned her as she laughed, holding onto his arm. He looked at her lips, the shirt hugging her lean torso, her shorts that did no justice covering the velvety skin of her legs. The slight friction from her hand on his sturdy arm made his demons growl.

"Let's go" he was pissed. He knew it was wrong to be pissed at her for something that wasn't her fault. He didn't understand his own frustration but he knew what triggered him to be that way and that was enough to bust open all his gates. He wasn't mad at her, he was mad at the fact that someone other than him got to be close to her even if it was a prank. The pit in his stomach screamed that he didn't want to share what was his and his brain had turned into a pot of mush.

As soon as he entered his house, his arm went around her shoulder, he bent forward and snaked his arm around her knees picking her up and she almost jumped in surprise, her arms involuntarily holding onto him.

"Toshi san?"

He spoke nothing, he didn't believe in putting what he felt into words anymore. He sat on his chair and laid her on his lap. She tuned to her right and saw his cloudy eyes. His hands ran up hers, all the way up her neck as his fingers delicately traced her jaws making her head slightly fall backwards. He made his way to her neck and placed kisses all over, she bit back a moan when he sucked on her soft spot. His hand pulled her shirt away and she returned the favour by pulling his; he held the nape of her neck and tugged her forward before his lips attacked hers, his other hand tracing her back, sending shivers down her spine.

She looked at him and swore she saw Lucifer himself. It was sinful to have a body carved like that. He was devilishly hot, with his long, skilful daddy fingers, his soft lips, his passionate kisses, his lingering touch... she knew she was in trouble.

He pulled her shorts away and audibly growled looked at her matching white lace. She looked like an angel, an angel he wanted to punish.

She hesitantly tugged his shorts and he gladly pulled them off before sitting her on his lap again.

"Sakura..." he had finally found his voice.

"Toshi san..." she moaned as his hand massaged her breasts, his lips placing an array of kisses down her chest.

"You're mine" he finally said it before unbuckling the fabric and let it fall on the floor.

He looked into her gloomy eyes as his hand reached her underwear. He slowly nudges her legs apart and let his fingers trace her from over the fabric. She gasped slightly stretching herself backwards and he used it to his advantage. He snaked his arm around her to keep her steady and his teeth tugged one of her buds.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now