Watch and Learn

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She walked into the gym and was warmly greeted by his teammates.

"Sakura chan... what happened to your leg?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Are you alright, Sakura chan?"

She was surrounded by them already.

"Yeah. It's nothing, really. The cast only makes it look worse" she awkwardly chuckled.

"Sakura... Congratulations on making nationals" their coach walked in.

"Sensei!" She bowed.

"Oh, looks like you've learned quite a lot" he smiled pointing at her injured foot and her eyes shone. "I did!"

"We have our finals tomorrow! Let's not fall behind, we've to defeat Sakura's school in the nationals too!" Her brother said and she softly laughed.

"Looks like you're our motivation today" his friend from earlier flatly said and she chuckled.

Sakura sat there watching them with unwavering concentration. Her brother, in her eyes, was her hero. Her motivation. Her strength. His brain game was AMAZING.

"Sugoi, Niisan!" She lightly jumped excitedly.

"Chibi! Don't jump like that!" He yelled at her from inside the court and she timidly sat back.

"The girl surely has an eye for the sport" the coach said to his junior.

"Hai, I'm sure she's learned a lot in her previous match"

"People like her, they constantly evolve during every match so it's hard to keep up and predict their attacks. She's using everything at her disposal and making the absolute best out of it. Shiratorizawa girls are something to look out for now too, not just the boys. If she played now without the injury, I'm sure she'd topple most of our boys here." the coach appreciated "Such concentration... Kowai ne" he laughed.

"Niisan! I can go back on my own" she pushed him back into the gates. She stayed there until early in the evening.

"Chibi. It's going to be late till you get back to Miyagi" he protested.

"Yumiko will pick me up from the station" she said gripping her crutch tighter. She had strained her foot more than she intended to and the results were apparent.

"I'm not in agreement with this" he pouted.

"Niisan..." she smiled like a little girl in awe of her brother and he looked at her in surprise.

"What is it?"

"Arigato!" She jumped to hug him and he held her tight. His eyes teared, his little sister was spreading her wings and he couldn't have been prouder. Every time he heard of her team win, he almost cried in joy. Every time he practiced, he couldn't help feel warm with how much she had improved. She had grown so much even he learnt things from her.

"Daisuki, Chibi" he bit his lip to control his tears as he hid his face in her shoulder. (I love you, Chibi) "I'm so proud of you"

"Niisan..." only a whisper escaped her lips as she hugged her brother tighter. "Daisuki" she almost inaudibly said and his friend, who always remains to stay inexpressive, turned around so he wouldn't feel any more moved.

"I'll leave before it's late now" she pulled back and smiled with slightly teary eyes.

"Hai... call me every five minutes" her brother smiled as they did their secret handshake before she scoffed at the last statement and headed towards the train station.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now