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I know this is going to shit. Don't hate me please. 🙊🙈

"It's okay, babe" the voice said and her body went numb when her eyes met the same dark, rustic blue eyes. He was dreamy to just look at.

"Furuya san?"

"Yu, the special ones get to call me Yu" he smirked flashing his pearlies. She politely smiled and scurried away from him.

"Why do you run away from me every single time? I've come to terms with the face that this is how we always meet, but running away? Now that hurts" he held her hand, stopping her from leaving abruptly.

"I'm late." She softly said "I've to get home soon"

"I'll go with you then"

"Don't you have to be somewhere else?"

"Oh, yeah... hold on" he dialled a few numbers and held his phone up his ear. She wanted to slip away from there in the process but he managed to snake his arm around her, foiling her plan before she was successful.

"Hey, I can't make it to our date today. Sorry" he said hanging up.

"You bailed on your DATE?"

"She left me last week for someone else, so I guess it's only fair" he laughed.

"Say, What are you even doing here alone? That skirt is short" he wasn't even being hesitant.

"I had a d-date." She consciously pulled her skirt down as much as she could.

"With Ushijima? Where's that asshole?"

"He's... not here"

"I don't know why you're so bent on him but he's never going to be serious"

"Why not?" She rebelled.

"Because he's Ushijima Wakatoshi. Find someone with human feelings"

"He has human feelings!" She defended.

"Oh, you've fallen quite bad"

"I guess" she scoffed looking away.

"You're beautiful" he said and her eyes widened "You're beautiful inside and out, you deserve to be treated better"

"He's not as bad as you sound!"

Furuya laughed like she cracked a joke.

"Do you love him, Sakura?" He inched closer to her until her back was against the wall. His long, muscular arm trapped her there.

"I... do" she looked at her feet. She wouldn't blame him for being so simple minded although that scene frustrated her momentarily. What girlfriend would've wanted to see that anyway? She didn't want to impose the girlfriend code, that was the last thing she'd do. She didn't know how to have him understand otherwise either.

"Ow! Now that hurt me" Furuya faked a heartbreak "But he stood you up, didn't he? Typical Ushij-"

"He didn't!"

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now