I Love You 🍋

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Has lemon 🍋 so please skip the last part if you wish

"Ushiwaka!" Ushijima heard someone call him. He was walking back home from practise that day. Sakura and her mother were at the hospital getting her cast removed.

He whipped his head around to see who it was.

"Sara?" He stopped.

"Ushiwaka kun!" She came to a halt before him and looked at her feet.

"I'm sorry..." she said fidgeting her fingers.

"Okay" he turned back around to walk away.

"Wait!" She said.


"I'm really sorry" she said again "I really want to make it up to you"

"That's not a good idea" he blankly said.

"Just coffee? I really feel horrible..." she said "please?"

"Fine" he said and they walked to a cafe near school. People from school there gawked at the two.

"So... how have things been?"

"Great" he kept his answers minimal.

"Are you seeing someone?" She curiously asked.

"Sakura" he flatly said

"I thought they were just rumours" she rolled her eyes "why her?"

"She's perfect" he said looking at his coffee "too perfect" Sara's eyes went wide.

Sara offered to walk him home since she lived in the next street and he didn't bother to even reply so she joined him regardless.

"I'm worried for you" she softly said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Sakura..." she said and his ears pricked.

"What is it?"

"You know how she... basically tortured Oikawa and made a whole scene when he left her. They called her a psychopath back in Daiichi"

Ushijima's jaw visibly clenched. He looked at Sara in her eyes "If I hear you talk ill about Sakura again, you'll wish you never did"

"But... I'm just looking out for you!" She said as he entered his house. She followed him in like she used to when she was his girlfriend and he ran his hand through his hair in anger.

"You're not. I know what you're doing" He said.

"What am I doing?" Sara (not so) innocently asked.

(I really hope Sara's character pisses you off, reader-chan)

"This." He said "Why are you doing this? Why are you slandering Sakura?"

"Why is it wrong? I LOVE YOU!" She blurted. There it was. The apocalyptic sentence.

"Get out" he said.

"Ushiwaka kun..." she inaudibly said, before unbuttoning her shirt. "Don't you miss me?"

Ushijima looked at her and his eyes went wide before he turned right around. "Please leave" he said.

"Or what? You'll love me again? I want that too" she turned him around and pushed him on the couch as she sat on his lap straddling him.

"It's me Ushiwaka kun, I love you" she said before her lips met his and he lost his temper when she did that.

Sakura's PoV

My cast was finally off. My feet felt weird touching the naked ground after so many days. That felt good. I wanted to see Ushijima san, I couldn't have been anymore grateful than I already was, he's been a saviour, a man of patience for the last ten days. He's been nothing but sweet to me.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now