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"How did this happen? Why was she there? What..." Oikawa was full of questions, but went voiceless when he saw her. Tetsuro looked like he'd never recover from this. Ushijima looked like shit. Yumiko was hopeless.

"Yumiko chan..." Oikawa said "I'll take over from here. You can rest" he was the only one collected there. She eyed him for a second "I'll strangle you if you mess up" it clearly wasn't a joke. Yumiko shot him a death glare before she emptied her seat for Oikawa. "I understand" he softly said as he touched her cold feet. He had goosebumps as his skin contacted hers. He couldn't get used to this, she was always so warm. He resumed, gently rubbing her feet. He knew her pale face would haunt him for eternity.

It'd been 7 hours with no signs of her waking up.

The doctor came in to check her vitals again, after sending everyone out.

"Is her family here?" The doctor asked and Tetsuro replied.

"There's no signs of her waking up. What do you wish to-"

"We'll wait" Tetsuro said.

"She's deteriorating" the doctor said.

"It's okay" Tetsuro was trying to hold on to the last bit of his hopes.

Ushijima went straight to Sakusa who was wrapped in a blanket, he was down with a fever. He wanted to hear the whole thing from him and when he did, he broke down. Sakusa was stunned seeing Ushijima cry. Reon was taken aback and Tendou was in a trance. Sakusa pitied him for feeling so guilty "it's not your fault. She'll be fine" he said lightly squeezing his shoulder.

"You love her, don't you?" Reon nervously asked.

"I do" Ushijima didn't hesitate this time.

They heard some commotion and quickly rushed to see what happened.

"She moved..." Tetsuro had saucer eyes trying to ascertain whether what he saw was the truth. He processed it all over again. Her fingers moved against his hand and he called the doctors immediately before he was asked to leave.

"Are you sure?" Oikawa asked.

"I am" he said.

A few minutes later the doctor was out again "She's awake. You can go see her" he said and everyone dropped on the floor in relief. Ushijima was the first to barge in, he basically raced Tetsuro to the door. Behind them ran Sakusa and Oikawa.

"Hey" her voice was sore.

"CHIBI!" Tetsuro hugged her tight. "You're warm again"

"Niisan" she hugged him back. "Why am I... here?"

"You drowned" Sakusa ascertained and she froze trying to remember the last thing she did before she woke up here.

"Why were you by the lake so early?" Ushijima asked breaking the silence.

"I don't... know" she hesitantly said.

"Don't you remember?" Tetsuro caressed her hair and she shook her head.

"Sakura!" Her mother and Yumiko ran towards her, crushing her with a hug. "You're alright. You scared me so much" her mother showered kisses on her.

"Kaasan, don't embarrass me" she said with great difficulty. Her throat hurt, her whole body hurt.

"You should thank your friends" she smiled before walking outside with Tetsuro.

"Toshi san..." she said and he melted as soon as he heard her call his name. That feeling was unexplainable for him. He replied her with a hug. "Forgive me..." he sniffled burying his face in her hair "I'm so sorry" he cried. Oikawa needed some time to summarise that Ushijima was actually crying.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now