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Kiyomi had tears tumbling down her face "is she alright?"

"Yes, but she can't play" Ushijima flatly said.

Haru was much worse. She broke down in tears "SUMIMASEN"

"It's not your fault" they assured her. "If we lost now she's be most disappointed"

"She did everything she could when she was on court and now she's not here so it's your responsibility!" The coach pointed at them and they took a deep breath.

"She's counting on you" Ushijima said. Hearing those words from the ace captain meant much more than words could describe.

"Let's win this one for Sakura!" Kiyomi said walking back into the court.

"I'll make up for it, I promise" Haru didn't let her guilt get to her. She promised she'd hold it off at least until the match ended.

"So... until now, they watched out for Sakura." Kiyomi said.

"Well, you can't help when she's that good" Yoshia said.

"Let's makes sure they watch out for all of us now" Kiyomi smirked. She was the captain after all.

"We can't rely on Sakura anymore so we need to put in our best... like she says-"

"Give it your 120% every single time!" Kiyomi and Yoshia said in unison and everyone had chills running down their spine.

"SHIRATORIZAWA!!!" She said "FIGHT!!!"

Four points. Four more points to prove themselves. Four points to not disappoint Sakura. Four points to taking a step closer towards victory. Four points... for that final feeling of satisfaction.

Kiyomi proved her worth as a captain there. She pummelled Itachiyama with her intense spikes. Her body was close to giving up, most of their legs had jammed. Yumiko wanted to throw up. The exhaustion was creeping upon both sides but they weren't stopping.

"For Sakura" they assured after every point. Sakura wasn't their driving spirit only on the court. She was pushing them even when she laid unconscious in the infirmary with Oikawa and Iwaizumi with her. Ushijima didn't want to leave her there but the coach insisted he be there. Sakusa was back in the stands although his heart said otherwise. Tetsuro walked out since his coach called leaving her in Oikawa's care.

Oikawa sighed running his hand across her forehead and gently caressed her soft cheek "Why is it that you're injured the most all the time?"

"You're right" Iwaizumi was hurting too. She was his friend back in Kitagawa Daiichi for so long. He couldn't help but have a small face seeing her bleed like that.

"I was so scared, Sakura chan..." he talked to her unresponsive face like a mad man "So scared when you didn't wake up at the hospital. I couldn't sleep for a week"

Iwaizumi then realised why Oikawa was extremely sloppy during practice all those days. He knew he wasn't himself because of it but didn't understand what got to him so bad.

"Looks like you don't just attract people" he talked to her in her sleep. He was so soft when it came to her Iwaizumi looked away. His touch was so gentle and the way he looked at her... he wouldn't dream of looking at anyone else like that. He couldn't even if he wanted to. He cherished all the moments he was her hero... when he was her one and only. She was so timid, her eyes searching for Oikawa at all times. He missed it. He missed it all. The attention she involuntarily sought from him seemed normal back then but now he craved for it. Not a day would pass without him pining about it.

"You're still beating yourself up about it. It's been what, a year now?"

"It's still so fresh, Iwa chan. I can't forget her face from that day... the look in her eyes, it went right through my conscience. It was my first heart break and I broke it with my own hands that day." His voice croaked. "I hadn't experienced the pain of it before but it doesn't seem to go away" he pulled up the sheets in an attempt to keep her warm, his fingers still carving her jaw like he'd forgotten what she felt like against his skin. His fingers burned at the touch of her skin; her soft, ragged breaths only caught his heart in a twist.

Daddy Issues - Ushijima Wakatoshi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now