Chapter 1

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You wake up to somebody shaking you awake. You open your eyes and see the twins grinning at you while still shaking you. 

" two have 3 seconds to run before I kill you both." You say. They look at each other and laugh. "3." You start to count down. "2." Fred smiles at you. "You aren't going to do anything y/n. We both know you." You sit up and crack your knuckles.

"Uh Fred, I think she's serious." George says grabbing Fred's arm. They give you terrified looks. "1." You rip your blankets off and jump out of bed. The twins start running out of your room. You chase after them.

"Bloody hell!" Ron yells as you three run past him. You slide down the stair railing and jump off grabbing Fred and pinning him down. "Don't ever wake me up when I'm trying to get my beauty sleep." You laugh. 

"Well you are already beautiful darling." Fred says as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. You blush and get up helping Fred up. You two walk into the kitchen and sit down. 

As you are eating breakfast, Errol flies into the window...again. "George, dear, can you get the letters from Errol please." Molly asks. George stands up and grabs the letters from Errol's beak. On his way back to his chair, he backhands Fred in the face.

You laugh a bit as Fred stands up and runs after George, while throwing our letters at us. "Are we going to use Floo Powder Molly?" You ask while reading your supply list. 

"Yes dear. Right after breakfast we are going to leave." You nod and go back to eating breakfast. "This is gonna cost a lot mum." George says looking up at her. "We'll manage George." Molly says. 

"I can help pay Molly." You say looking up at her. Molly smiles sweetly at you. "Oh honey you don't have to. You're only 13, you shouldn't have to worry about stuff like this yet." You pick your plate up and walk over to the sink.

"Please let me do something to help Molly. You've taken me in and treat me as your own. The least I could do it pay for two other sets of books." You grab her hand and she thinks for a second. 

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