Arthur Leclerc - 70,74

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This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123 I really hope you enjoy it!

You make me feel safe...
Just hold me...

Tragedy, pain, terror that's all I felt. I had been watching my boyfriend race through Monza. Everything was going great until one of my biggest fears became my reality. Arthur had crashed, and it looked terrible. All of the crowd went silent and so had all the other garages but Prema's. All the team was trying to reach out to him, there was no response. The marshals and medical team went over to the car very fast. He was unconscious, and was not responding. His heart beat was still there but he was just not opening his eyes, it seemed as if he was in a coma.

It was one of the worst feeling in the world, the love of my life wasn't waking up. I felt like throwing up because of the nerves, it really was horrible. I was on the verge of tears because it didn't seem as if Arthur was going to be back.

The medical team got the ambulance near by and the race had been stopped until further notice. They rushed Arthur into the ambulance and I decided to go with them mainly because I didn't want to leave him alone in a hospital room when his family wasn't around.

Once we had arrived to the hospital they rushed Arthur to a room, and there were so many doctors and nurses running around and screaming. I was so scared because I had no idea what was going on and no one wanted to give me answers. What was going to happen to my boyfriend? Was his career over? Was he... dead? I didn't want to start overthinking but with everything going on right in front of me it was impossible not to.

Moments later a doctor came over to me and asked, "Are you related to Mr. Leclerc?" "I'm just his girlfriend, his family isn't near because he came here for a Formula 4 race." I replied truthfully. The doctor looked at me with pity in his eyes and said "I'm sorry to break it to you Miss, but Mr. Leclerc has fallen into a coma and we can't really know when he will be waking up.

In that right moment I felt like my world was ending, my heart hurt. "Can I go see Arthur?" I asked the doctor, sadness was clear in my voice. "Sure Miss, room 204. I thanked him and rushed to the room. He was laying in the hospital bed, peacefully. There weren't many injuries that you could see in his body, it was probably more of a brain damage that caused the coma. I just wanted to have my boyfriend here, healthy and maybe on the podium because he deserved it.

All of my friends, family, and Arthur's friends and family were calling nonstop. I just wanted a break reality, what was I going to tell his family mainly his brother Charles? I held Arthur's hand, and got closer to him. "Please babe, come back to me. Don't leave me, I have no idea what I will do without you, and your family... they need you even more. I started to hear a faster beeping coming from the heart rate monitor, so many doctors started to rush in once again and they pushed me out of the room. Had I done something wrong? Was he okay?

Moments later, the whole room went silent, but there was no beeping anymore. A doctor spoke up and said: "Time of death 19:34." When I heard that I definitely came to the conclusion that I was going to go with him, I really couldn't live without him.

A voice very similar to him started calling my name, was I dying too? It started to become louder, and I felt like someone was shaking me.

Seconds later, I woke up sweating and shaking, I looked to my right and saw him, my boyfriend, he was right besides me. I was very confused and asked: "How are you still here? You, you died and it was chaotic." He looked at me like I was crazy but still wrapped his arms around me and softly said "I'm still here chérie. I didn't die, it was all a dream of your mind. I won't ever leave you without saying goodbye." "Please don't ever leave me, you make me feel safe, and I have no idea what I'd do without you" I said in the verge of tears. He looked at me but this time, his expression had soften "Don't worry about me, I have no plans on leaving any time soon. You're stuck with me for a lifetime darling." He had probably said that to lighten the mood a little since I was still shaken and tense. "Do you need anything? I want to help you feel better and happy again." He asked. "Just hold me, that's all I need right now" I replied. And that's what he did, he held me in his warm embrace until I fell asleep again. No more nightmares haunting me.

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