Frederik Vesti - 154

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Writing as much as possible today and tomorrow :) Hope y'all enjoy the ton of updates I got before book 2! This was requested by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it <3

WARNING: NSFW don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content.

Bite your lip once more... I dare you...

I was pretty bored on a Friday night, and most of y'all will probably thinking that I should be partying or hanging out with my friends. This wasn't my case since I was leaving with my boyfriend and he had said that we would hang out tonight, which didn't end up happening.

He was practicing on his simulator and I had nothing to do, Netflix had gotten boring and my friends were all having fun, I knew that Fred was also enjoying his time doing some sim races with his friends but it wasn't enjoyable for me.

I got a really crazy idea that seemed like a lot of fun and a great way to get Frederik's attention all on me for the rest of the night.

I walked into the walk in closet and chose the most revealing lingerie set that I owned and I knew Fred would love. Teasing him was one of the things that came to mind to get his attention and I knew that there was no way he would manage to keep his hands off me for longer than 2 minutes after he saw me wearing this. 

I made my way to the living room where his simulator was placed, and thank god his web cam was off so his friends couldn't see what was happening over here.

I ran my hands down his chest from the back and kissed his neck softly. "Y/n, could you please stop that? I need to concentrate on the race or Piastri will win." Fred whined annoyed that I was distracting him from his sim races.

I sighed and made him look at him, his eyes were fixated on me and he couldn't even form a word out of his mouth. I bit my lip nervously and Fred said that he had to go off the game because of an issue that had come up and closed his game.

He looked back at me once again and stared at my whole body, he cleared his throat and his pupils dilated. "What was the need to distract me with this interesting look? Not that Im complaining because you look hot as hell but why?" Frederik asked with a noticeably huskier tone than normal.

"There was no other way I could get your attention so I decided to do this." I said as I bit my lio innocently.

"Bite your lips once more, do it I dare you." Frederik said daringly.

I didn't know what would happen if I did so I just proceeded to do as told. His lips crashed down on mine and I'm guessing he lost all possible control over his pleasure because nothing like this had ever happen. It's not like it was something I did often but it was sure something new and exciting.

I kissed back and placed my hands through his hair, I ran my hands through his hair roughly totally messing his hair up. He picked me up and as we kept kissing he pushed me against a cold wall which made me moan softly because of the impact and the change of temperature between my body and the cold wall.

The clothes came off quickly, it's not like I was wearing much anyways. I ran my hands down his chiseled and hard abs and Fred decided that it would be a great idea to just fuck me against the wall which I didn't mind because of the growing need and desperation that ran through my body.

I kissed Fred's neck and his erection came in contact with the entrance of my sex which made me moan onto his neck and bite it a bit harder than expected earning a groan from him.

He slid his member into me and I threw my head back in pleasure with the well known feeling of having him inside of me. He positioned me in a way in which it was easy for him to slide in and out while still carrying me and having me pinned against the wall.

I think he needed to hear me more and he started to stimulate my clit rubbing circles with his thumb making me scream out in pleasure.

I knew I wouldn't last long because of the overbearing feeling of pleasure so I somehow moved making the situation even more pleasurable for both of us.

I felt my walls clenched and I knew that I was coming really close to the wanted release. "Let go, gorgeous." Fred whispered into my ear as he thrusted with a lot of force into me.

That was all I needed to orgasm and being left panting. A few thrusts after Fred pulled out and came on my stomach. He put me on the floor and with my legs wobbling and my pants I couldn't really walk back to our room, so Fred picked me up once again and laid me down on the couch.

We cuddled for a few more hours and watched a couple of movies. It had been worth to tease Fred like that, knowing that it would end this way it was something that I would be doing a lot more often to spice up our relationship.

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