New Prompts - Requests Closed

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Hey everyone! I decided to make a new prompt list... this are new writing ideas and also it is made for new and more people to request. I still have some other requests to do but thought it'd be fun to make a new Prompt List.

You guys can keep requesting from my first Prompt List and also from this new one, keep in mind that self made ideas and some details on requests are very appreciated.
Also, if you have a personalized request that doesn't come from either prompt list please Private DM me the following details:
- Driver's Name
- A small background on what you want me to write
- If you want it to be NSFW/Lemon
- Keep in mind that the more detail that is given the easier it is for me to write a better one shot.

Last but not least I do write Lemon Prompts/One shots and will keep doing them if requested (mention it on the requests). And the only driver I am not comfortable writing about from any of the series are Nikita Mazepin so please try not to ask for anything related to him.

Here are the prompts

111- You can be the best driver and also the best boyfriend...

112- I can't get over you...

113- Everyone is asking who you are...

114- I want to tell the world how much I love you...

115- No one compares to you...

116- Love is overrated...

117- I will always be here...

118- And that makes it okay?...

119- Driving is the reason why you're in the hospital... maybe stopping could be a choice...

120- Don't ever give up on me...

121- Is that what you think of me?...

122- When did things fall apart?...

123- Can I have one last kiss?...

124- You didn't tell me your friend was cute... now what am I supposed to do?...

125- God... you're so fucking cute...

126- I just want you to be happy...

127- Is there any other way of saying that you're an asshole?...

128- I'm only important when you need something from me...

129- Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up... it's terribly distracting...

130- Did you get any sleep last night?...

131- I'm already home...

132- Where's your adventurous spirit?...

133- Would it help if I stayed?...

134- You're my family...

135- This reminded me of you...

136- Let me go...

137- You broke me...

138- You're who everyone warned me about...

139- Did I wake you?...

140- You don't have to go through this alone...

141- You came all the way from (place) to here just to see me?

142- I'm gonna need therapy after this...

143- Shes hot, but evil...

144- I really am surrounded by idiots...

145- I saw you with him/her...

146- I knew this was a bad idea...

147- For you, I'll do anything...

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