Frederik Vesti - 95

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Here's your reminder to read my imagines and be happy hehe, also keep in mind that I won't be able to update as much for a few days but I will try to get back on track on Monday with daily updates. This was requested by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you love it <3

They say we're too young to know about forever...

Having the knowledge that no one actually believes you can be in a stable relationship when you're young is a big stereotype that many people that I knew had always complained about, and now that I had a boyfriend I didn't blame any of them of doing so.

Every single adult and even some teenagers had doubted the possibility that Frederik, who is my boyfriend, and I could manage to have a relationship that lasted more than 6 months.

It was really funny to him and I because we were aware that there would be obstacles in the way and that there was always a possibility that we would break up, and it was understandable and something we had thought through in the past. However, when someone like his or my mom would say something like that it didn't feel nice.

One day, when I was in Austria Fred and I were sitting outside in the garden and a conversation about the future and the doubts on us came up, I was scared that he would mention us breaking up just because something in our future plans didn't go together. But to my surprise it was the total opposite.

"I have been thinking about the future and what we could be at some point." I told him.

"And what do you imagine?" Fred asked curiously.

"In my perfect world, you would become a Formula 1 World Champion, we would have a kid who I wish would be a girl and we would be living in Monaco happily together." I explained.

"That really feels like a really nice future, and it also seems achievable. Nevertheless, I sometimes do feel the need to think about what would happen if we break up? All these ideas are loved but what would happen then?" He asked me.

I actually didn't know what to say since I hadn't really gone over the idea of us not being something. I always thought that we would be endgame and that everything everybody else said about us wouldn't be true.

"Yeah, but maybe we will be together forever. I believe in us, I think that what everyone says about is isn't right." I stated firmly.

"I know darling and so do I but we still have to look at all the possibilities. I was us to be endgame and to be together forever because of how much I love you. But not everything is meant to be." Frederik mentioned negatively.

"Maybe if you think that way we should break up, if you don't want to give our relationship everything and try to make it work out for the rest of our lives what are we even wasting our time on right now?" I questioned quite hurt by his response.

"Oh god love, you got it all wrong! It is not the case, I really want to make us work out. I'm just mentioning how things could work out. I love you too much to let you go so easily darling. I would never give up on us just like that. Trust me I'm aware that all adults that are with us think we're too young to know about forever, but I'm pretty sure I met my forever 3 years ago and that girl is you." Frederik expressed.

I really didn't know how I could doubt that this man wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, words and phrases like what he had just expressed just reminded me on the daily of how much he cares about me and us.

"Not going to lie, I believe that is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. I really appreciate that we both think the same about us and that we will both try our hardest to make our relationship healthy and amazing. I love you more than words can describe Frederik Vesti." I commented trying to match the sweet statement that Fred had already made before hand.

I noticed how Fred's smile grew with my words. "You know I love you more right? To infinity and beyond which I believe is quite far away" Frederik said jokingly.

"It really is but it also is what keeps our love strong and make this all work out." I mentioned.

"That is totally true." Frederik agreed as he placed a chaste kiss on my lips, making me feel even more loved than before.

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