Lance Stroll - 106

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I'm literally writing this at like midnight and I have to be awake in like 4h so yeah it's a vibe... and I'll be tired later but this was requested by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it <3

One day you will be Mrs. Stroll...

Dating means being with someone that you love and possibly see a future with, there is a point in a relationship in which the questions of are we going to be together forever surface and the talk on marriage comes into the table.

I always thought about marriage as something I would only do once I was financially stable, wanted to start a family and was with the man I thought would be the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with, through health and sickness no matter what.

I am in a relationship with the Formula 1 driver Lance Stroll, and I have been so happy spending a lot of time by his side, supporting him through everything and over all I was happy with him, and he also treated me right.

I was so happy with him that after a few months of dating I had already started to think about what the future with him would look like. It was a total utopia that looked like everything I had ever dreamed of and I was hoping that with Lance this could happen at some point.

I was in no way rushed about getting married, but thinking about all that also made me think: Was Lance finally the one for me? Would we get married and live happily for the rest of our lives? The only answered I hoped would be right was yes, we would be together forever.

I really wanted to know if Lance felt the same and I knew that the curiosity would get the best of me. So I had decided to ask about the future at the date we were going to have this same night.

The evening came quickly and we were close to arriving at a very fancy restaurant near the shore in Monaco. It had a beautiful view to the ocean that I was sure I would enjoy looking at every now and then over dinner.

We sat on a table and got our drinks. We started talking about simple things like how our day had been over all and if anything interesting had happened for either of us, but there was nothing either of thought was important enough to make a conversation of.

I thought that it was the right time to ask Lance about what I had been thinking about all day long already, and also many times before.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked him.

"You technically just did but go ahead sweetheart." He complied.

"I had been thinking a lot about our future and I was wondering what you thought about the future, us, a family, marriage and all those kinds of things?" I asked going straight to the point.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Lance asked back.

I just nodded without saying anything else because I was scared that this meant that something wasn't going good in our relationship or something in between those lines.

"I have thought about this a lot and I know to some girls it might be scary to talk about such commitment when we have been dating only for like 6 months. I want to marry you and have a family with you. I really do see a future with you and I have no idea why but I do believe you're the one for me y/n" Lance expressed deeply.

His words were lovely, it was so nice to see that we were on the same page regarding the idea of our future, you know marriage and kids in the future. I really didn't want to pressure him into having to put a ring on my finger any time soon so I didn't really try to touch topics of possible dates. First the engagement and then the marriage, hopefully in a short time from now but not tonight I was sure about that.

"Your words melt my heart and also almost make me cry, they were so sweet. Also I want to have kids with you at some point and get married it really is what I want but obviously there is no rush to do so. I just wanted to know if we thought the same about this topic of our possible future together." I expressed as well.

"I'm glad we think the same darling, that means one day you'll be Mrs. Stroll"

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