Callum Ilott - 121

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Sorry for all the recent inactivity i've been watching drive to survive and editing!! Remember that I have other stories and that requests are closed!!! This was requested by cosmicless  I hope you like it!!
Also thanks for the prompt idea LilyHeseltine123

Is that what you think of me?...

After the Formula 2 Championship had ended, I had been selected to go into Formula 1 with Alfa Romeo Orleans. I knew that the championship rival Callum Ilott didn't really like me because he was the champion for this year but somehow hadn't had gotten a Formula 1 seat for this season.

I had been a very consistent driver throughout the whole season however in the last race luck wasn't on my side and I had crashed and Callum had won the championship.

I had no idea I would be the one to get the deal with Alfa Romeo. We were both apart of Ferrari Drivers Academy, but there were always some favorites and many of the guys thought I was the favorite because of my money and that I had no talent.

Callum had always been supportive but I didn't know how much that would last since he could always get jealous of the opportunities that I had gotten but he hadn't.

With my announcement of being apart of the F1 2021 grid the rumors had blown up once again and people were saying I was paying Ferrari Drivers Academy and Alfa Romeo to get me that seat because I had a lot of sponsors.

It really wasn't the case, I had always been on good teams because of my hard work, I had showed that I had talent and Callum had always been one of my biggest rivals but also one of my biggest supporters.

I was walking back to the garage and Callum was talking to Marcus there which wasn't normal since they were never around most of the times since they had their own things to do. I wasn't planning on talking to them until I overheard a part of their conversation.

"You know she's not even that talented, you deserved that seat more than her. You were the champion of 2020 and she didn't even win. Her last race was horrible." Marcus told Callum, reassuring that I wasn't supposed to be the one on Formula 1.

I obviously didn't agree with what Marcus what said but I walked slowly past them. "I know I deserved that seat, maybe she paid to get into Formula One or something like that. I'm not really sure how she did that." Callum replied.

I didn't like what he had said, he knows that's not how I do things because it's morally incorrect. I really thought he would defend me because of how close we were, guess I was wrong and he was being a hypocrite this whole time. Those were my thoughts. I wasn't that mad but I was indeed really hurt, I turned around and walked over to them.

I looked at Callum. "Is that really what you think of me? After everything I've told you and you always saying that I shouldn't listen to all those people who said I wasn't talented? You really are a hypocrite Callum." I said as I stormed off. I didn't want to hear a thing of what he had to say. His words really hurt because he was the only one that had always been there for me out of all the Ferrari Drivers Academy boys.

Everyone was against me on this misogynistic sport that didn't want to see women succeed. I had thought several times about giving up but Callum always told me to keep going and prove everyone wrong.

A knock on my motor home was heard "Y/n please open the door, its Callum, we need to talk darling." His voice was a lot softer than normal but he was the only one that I didn't want to see because of how hurt I was.

"I don't want to talk to you, you made it really clear that I wasn't supposed to be here." I said

"Y/n I didn't actually mean any of that, I said it in the heat of the moment, you're an amazing girl and driver. I'm so so sorry I should've never said something like that. You're an important person to me and I don't want to see you hurting." Callum expressed to me.

"Your words already hurt me Callum." I said back.

"I'm really sorry Y/n I really didn't mean it." He tried again to apologize.

I didn't end up forgiving him but I don't think I'll ever forget what he had said to me because it really hurt me a lot to see that he actually felt a lot differently

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