Mick Schumacher - 154

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Hey loves, I hope all of you are doing alright. I wanted to mention that I already started to work on the prompt list for the next Imagines book. It will be published the day after I finish working on the requests for this one. With that being said; Remember to keep requesting if y'all will like to do so and also check out my other books. This was requested by cHiArATH1512 I hope you like it :)

Warning: NSFW don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content.

Bite your lip once more, I dare you...

I was laying down on the bed right beside my boyfriend Mick who was getting ready for the next Formula 1 season. He was working on different things like reading emails, checking possible race strategies for the first race of the season, and also revising the possible performance of the car for the new season.

No one knew how the season would actually go for the Haas team, everyone was pretty sure they were already working on making a new shit car that wouldn't get them out of Q2 and wouldn't aim at the points during races.

Mick had been stressed over that all day long, if not even for the past few weeks. I was just laying beside him for moral support, and honestly because I had nothing better to do.

I stared at him, watched closely how his chest would rise up and down every time he would sigh or just breathe. I also noticed how his jaw clenched and unclenched every now and then, which made him look terribly hot.

I was cut off my thoughts which were getting slightly naughtier by the second when Mick noticed my staring and said. "Snap a picture gorgeous, it will last longer." He said while smirking and looking from the corner of his eye for my possible reaction.

The thoughts that were running through my head didn't help much so I started blushing furiously. Mick smiled softly at my reaction but didn't seem to take his eyes off the laptop screen that was right in front of him.

I went back to my probably sinful thoughts that just included all types of ways in which I would tease Mick, and how that would end. I pressed my legs together feeling the wetness that was coming from my sex just by the thought of what could probably happen later that night.

I involuntarily bit my lip at the feeling in my body and sighed softly. Mick seemed to take notice of my actions and for once in the last two hours looked back at me.

"Are you getting hot and bothered just by the thought of me working?" Mick asked as he raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Honestly, yes. You look really attractive when you're concentrated on whatever it is that you're doing." I explained and this time bit my lip softly, being fully conscious of the effect that this could have on my boyfriend who seemed to be enjoying my horniness.

"Bite your lip once more darling, I dare you" Mick commanded. I looked at him and did it once again just to tease him a little since I had noticed the erection that was now very prominent bulge in the outline of his grey sweatpants.

As if something inside Mick's mind had clicked, he put the laptop he was working on away and turned his full attention back at me. There was a very lustful look In his eyes, and all I could think about was how dominant he could get just because of how much I had teased in the past few minutes.

I felt goosebumps go down my spine as he moved to get on top of me and put his weight down on his elbows. He kissed me deeply, the full showed how much need he had on his body to dominate me and have a very necessary release after such a stressful time of work.

I kissed back with as much passion as he had done. I felt his teeth in my lower lip and how he bit down on the red skin. The sensation made me sigh in pleasure. I was starting to feel even more turned on than ever which wasn't helping my situation much since I knew that Mick would tease me now as much as I had done with him before.

To my surprise he started grinding his hips with mine still fully clothed, we were dry humping each other as we made out to feel more pleasure and possible stimulation. I moaned softly into Mick's lips every so often when I would feel his very hard erection, which was begging to be released and fuck me until I would be unable to walk for a week, on me.

We eagerly undressed each other. I started kissing down Mick's jawline, to his neck, shoulders, six-pack, and finally v-line as I removed his boxers and allowed his hard-on to be free.

I ran my lips through the tip and shaft and as I was going to give him a blowjob Mick stopped me and explained that he was in much need to be inside me and make both of us feel good.

I was below him once again, and he aligned the head of his cock with my entrance. He trusted into me forcefully making me almost scream his name because of how good it felt.

The round didn't last much longer since both of us had been building up stimulation from the foreplay which made us finish a lot faster than normal. Mick pulled out of me and orgasmed into the sheets since he wasn't wearing a condom.

He cleaned us both up afterwards and not took long after we started cuddling, which only lead to both of us falling asleep because of how tired the round had made us feel.

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