Lance Stroll - Press Officer

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Hello lovely people, hope your year is going great after 3 days ahaha. Keep requesting more imagines!! I love writing followers/readers requests :). This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123

NSFW Waring in this one shot, you can read until the specification if you feel uncomfortable with this type of content. To the ones who like reading this, get some holy water and a bible

There are times when you might think that mixing pleasure or love with business might not be the best idea. If you mix those two you might; either end up unemployed or heartbroken, and from a personal point of view neither of them are nice. Well, I used to think that way until I started working as the Press Officer of Lance Stroll, the Formula 1 Driver for Aston Martin F1 Team.

I absolutely loved my job, it was probably my dream one. There was a little problem though, long story short I'm Lance's girlfriend and all social media hates me for it. They think I'm on it for his money or that I got my job because of him. Speaking with honesty I actually didn't like Lance as a driver at first when I used to watch Formula 1. But after I got the job and we had to hang out a lot more, I got to know him and found out he's actually a really nice guy.

Once we made our relationship official the hate started coming at me even worse than it already was when I first started working with Lance. He knew that even when I would say that the hate didn't face me I knew it did, but he always tried to reassure me that he loved me for who I am, and that he knew how genuine I was. I never liked how other girls around here just threw themselves at the drivers or manipulated them into being in relationships just for their money or fame. All that went against my morals and the only thing I really wanted was to be happy with the person I loved the most.

Lance always said that the only thing that mattered in our relationship was that; we loved each other, and that the media shouldn't have a say in what our relationship is really like. I appreciated that a lot but the hate still got to me sometimes. I just wanted our relationship to be more formal, to shut the people up. We had talked about our future a lot because we did see ourselves together for life.

I had no idea if he was going to ask me to marry him anytime soon, and I honestly didn't mind how he did it I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I decided that a good idea to do that would be by talking to him about it and maybe he would actually pop the question faster. I got up and looked for Lance to talk, he was in our room so I went there. "Hey babe... can we talk?" I asked. "Yeah, sure. What's up?" He asked, and turned around to look at me. "Well you'll see I was thinking that maybe the only way for fans to stop hating on me is if we get married or well, engaged." I told him. He got closer to me "I was thinking about doing that, but it's no fun if you tell me directly... the fun part should be surprising you when you least expect it." He said and then pouted cutely. I smiled. "God, can you stop being so cute and sweet" I said. "You know that the only thing that I want the most in this world is for you to take my last name, and for me to call you Mrs. Stroll for the rest of our lives" He said in a huskier voice, and then as he said so he wrapped his arms around me, and his hands travelled down my body. Lance knew that him calling me Mrs. Stroll got me hot and bothered, and god it sure worked every damn time.

—————— NSFW ——————

I leaned in to kiss him, and he quickly got the idea of where this was going and took the lead. This man really knew how turned on I could get with only a few words.

Our make out session got quickly rougher and sloppier. I pulled away from our kiss for a moment to breathe, and Lance took that as an opportunity to start kissing down my jaw and to my neck, leaving a trail of love bites which would probably end up bruising in a few hours. A really soft moan left my mouth, and that just showed that I was enjoying myself, and by the hard on pressed on my thigh I bet so was my boyfriend.

I desperately pulled his shirt off, in need to speed up the process, mainly because I felt really needy. He also pulled his sweatshirt off my body, right after doing that he started kissing down my collarbone to my breast, then he unclasped my bra. I pulled his grey sweats down so we were both left only on our underwear.

I started to kiss all the way down from his lips to his abs slowly, and then I pulled his underwear down, his hard on bobbed up and I started giving him head. His hands got tangled in my hair, and he kept them there. To find a bit of a pace on the blowjob he moved my head up and down and I was just following up his rhythm while trying not to gag too much. After a few minutes I felt him tense up and then release spurts of cum into my mouth, and I swallowed. I pulled away from him, and kissed him again.

He took my underwear off, and whispered what he was going to do to me in a really husky voice, that made me get goosebumps. That dirty talk just made me get more desperate than I already was. "Please Lance, I need you" I begged.

Right after those words left my mouth, he opened the condom wrapped, put the condom on and slid right into my entrance. He had built up a face pace which I absolutely loved, we kept going until I felt my orgasm coming. I tensed up, and right after releasing I collapsed into the bed. A few moments after that Lance had his orgasm and also collapsed into the bed but right beside me. We were both sweaty and panting, but that's what you get after a good round of hot sex.

After we were done we just cuddled for a while, and watched a few movies. I had no idea what the future would hold, but for now I was extremely happy.

Sorry if the lemon part wasn't the best/not super detailed but i'm still trying to get used to writing lemons. I hope it wasn't too bad/cringe hehe

Lots of Love

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