Frederik Vesti - 51

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I really have been having a blast writing so much, but I believe I won't be able to update much from Thursday to Sunday and won't post as much next week due to me having school again (totally not excited about that) This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you like it <3

The only thing I know for sure is that I want you...

It is really complicated to be in a long distance relationship, and my relationship with Frederik Vesti the Formula 3 driver wasn't much easier.

I knew that our relationship was starting to get toxic because both of us were insecure and sometimes didn't trust each other, which was what was breaking our relationship.

I was starting to get scared that the distance would make us break up, it really wasn't something I wanted to happen because of how much I love Fred and how he has helped me through so much.

I thought that the best thing to do was moving in together. So I made the suggestion to him over facetime right away.

"Hey darling" Fred said right after he picked up the phone.

"Hey handsome, how have you been?" I asked him.

"Been doing great, I got a lot of laps done today in the simulator so I'm happy." Fred explained.

"Oh nice, I had been thinking about something that I'm hoping you think is a good idea too." I said nervously.

"And what is that?" He questioned.

"Maybe we should move in together? You know since we had been having some problems and maybe the best way to get our relationship into a more stable place is to live together." I suggested.

"I do like that idea, but are you sure about this? You know all your family is where you live and like your life and most of your friends." Frederik reminded me.

If i'm being honest I hadn't really thought that through. I had impulsively thought that moving in with Fred would be an amazing idea. However I hadn't thought about my family and friends and also my job.

I didn't want to lose everything I had but I was in a limbo with this decision, I had everything I needed in my home town except for Fred and our relationship was going downhill which was something that scared me a lot since I had no idea how I would cope with us breaking up if we did decide to end our relationship at some point.

Was I really willing to leave it all behind just for a guy who I didn't even know if I was going to spend the rest of my life with? I really wanted us to be endgame and maybe this could help us and I could have a better life with him living with me.

"I mean I really hadn't thought that through." I replied.

"I really want us to live together darling, however I don't want you to drop everything just because of me." He mentioned really being realistic about all this.

"I just want to do this Fred." I whined slightly.

"I just want to make sure about this, are you sure you'll be able to leave your job and find a new one over here?" He asked me.

"You know the only thing I know for sure is that I want you, I want you to wake up every morning by my side, I want to be there when you arrive home after a race. I have no idea what I'll do with my life but I know for sure that I want you to be apart of it even if it means I'll leave everything behind." I expressed.

"That's so sweet, I know all this will work out for us. I know how much you're risking and I promise I'll do everything in my power to keep our relationship going because we will be endgame if you're really willing to do all this just for me." He promised.

"Thank you so much babe" I said thankfully.

"You don't need to thank me for anything, this is just a step up in our relationship to make it stronger. Plus how cool is it going to be to have you by my side forever... thank YOU for being my biggest supporter and trying to keep this relationship going even if it costs you all." Frederik thanked me sweetly

"I love you, forever and always." I stated.

"I love you too, forever and always." He said and hanged up the phone after.

I guess I was now moving to a new city with the love of my life. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I knew for a fact it would be a total adventure. Hopefully one with a good ending.

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