George Russell - 60

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Hey lovely people! How's everything going? Please keep requesting and check out my other story... This was requested by hotgoretzka hope you like it :)

I'm gonna marry your daughter...

I woke up very nervous because, I know that today it's the day that my boyfriend George and I are going to see my family. It's the first time for him meeting them and I'm more nervous than he is.

I got out of bed since it was around 11am and we had to be at my parents house by 3pm. I fixed myself some breakfast, and well also for George who had gone out for a morning run.

After I finished having breakfast George got back home and got a shower, I did the same thing right after him. I knew that I really did have to start getting ready mostly because I always take ages to get ready.

George went to play some games in his PS4 while I got ready. At 2:30pm sharp we were walking out the door and headed to my parents home, which was also my childhood house.

I rang the doorbell and quickly the front door was opened by my mom, who greeted us both with a hi, and a warm hug. I really missed my family but I was also very happy I had my own space now.

We both walked into the house and my brothers, father and some cousins were already here. We had gotten there a bit later than expected and everyone was waiting for us, mostly to see who my new boyfriend was.

George was super sweet to all my family and even took pictures with my younger brothers. We started talking with everyone while the food was being served.

I was just talking to my mom and older cousin when I overheard George talking to my father.
"You seem like a good guy for my daughter, I really hope your intentions are good" My father said.

"I really have good intentions with your daughter Sir, I'm actually gonna marry your daughter" George said which absolutely melted my heart.

My dad smiled at him, his smile really looked genuine, he was liking George which I was very glad for.  

We all kept talking until I finally got a few minutes alone with my boyfriend "Hey babe, how's everything going with my family? I asked him, genuinely wondering how was he feeling being around my family.

"It has been absolutely amazing darling, everyone is so lovely and I'm having a great time out here" He replied. Mis response made me smile widely, I wanted him to feel comfortable around my family and for them to like him.

"That makes me so happy" I said smiling, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Did you really mean what you told my dad? About you wanting to marry me one day?" I asked being really straight forward.

"I mean every single word I said my love, I love you so much and nothing will ever change that. I see a future with you and I want it to be that way." He said.

He really knew what to say every time to get my heart melting. He was one of the sweetest guys I have ever met and in all seriousness I did see myself with him too.

"You know that's the sweetest thing a guy has ever said to me. And babe I see a future with you to and I really can't wait for it to happen." I confessed to him.

George grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him, then he looked down at me, he looked deeply into my eyes, then too my lips and finally back to my eyes. He smiled softly and pressed his soft lips against mine.

The kiss we shared was sweet, full of love and just perfect. I loved the caring side of George which just made me fall with him even more.

After our little romantic moment we went back to the living room where my family was now at. They were exchanging conversation and as my mom saw us walk in she smiled at both of us.

My parents proposed a toast to George and I because they thought that him and I would be together forever.

I was super glad that everything at the family lunch went great, and loved the fact that everyone loved George. I really didn't feel nervous at all anymore and my boyfriend seemed to be comfortable and now a part of my family.

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