Arthur Leclerc - 30

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This was requested by @Ibushey I really hope you like it!

I'm pregnant...

Finding out you're pregnant isn't always the best news you can get, especially when you're young. I'm the girlfriend of Arthur Leclerc, a future Formula 3 driver.

It was a Monday morning, and I had just done a pregnancy test, it had come out positive. Saying that I was scared out of my mind was an understatement, I had no idea how my boyfriend would react. I decided to do what I thought was the best, I hid the pregnancy test and decided to keep it a secret for as long as I could.

I obviously didn't think of the consequences of my actions at the moment, but they weren't pretty. Days had gone by and I was completely fine, no one was suspecting anything. Though I had no idea how Arthur found the pregnancy test I had hidden a few days ago. I really didn't think he would react the way he did, he was very mad, but, not because he didn't like the idea of having a baby with me but because I had hidden it from him. And that conversation wasn't a nice one to have.

I had just came back from a spa day with a couple of girlfriends, and Arthur was impatiently waiting for me in the living room of our apartment. "Hey babe, I'm home" I said "Hey y/n, can we talk?" He said, serious. "Yeah sure, what's up?" I asked, nervous. "Are you hiding something from me? " He asked. "Not that I know of, is everything okay Thur?" I asked a bit worried, but quite oblivious to what was coming my way. "Then what is this y/n?" He asked, showing me the pregnancy test that I had hidden a few days before. To say I was shocked was an understatement, I didn't even know what to say. "y/n is this really yours? are you pregnant?" He asked once again, raising his voice a little bit more. "Yes Arthur, I'm pregnant" I said, in the verge of tears. "And why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He asked and through his tone and expression I noticed he was pretty mad. "I'm sorry Arthur, I was just so scared you would react the way you are right now" I said and a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Please don't leave me, I didn't want this either Arthur." I said, sincerely. "y/n, i'm not even mad about the fact that we're having a baby, but because you hid the news from me. Do you really think so low of me to keep my child from me?" Arthur asked, and he looked disappointed.

I really didn't know if i was hiding the pregnancy because I was scared of his reaction or because I was scared myself. "Arthur I'm really sorry I should've told you but I'm scared and I have no idea what to do." I said. "Yes but you still hid the test from me, and it didn't look like you were planning on telling me any time soon. We can figure the baby situation out together but that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't found out on my own" Arthur said, a little more calm now. "I know, and I really am sorry for not telling you, it wasn't right from my part but you also need to understand that I'm scared and I didn't want our kid to be the reason something happened in terms of your career" I said "Don't worry about my career right now, let's focus on how we're going to take care of our baby in the near future. I will still give the best of me in racing but my family will always be a priority." He said.

His words melted my heart completely, and thanks to the hormones I bursted into tears. He just held me there and waited for me to calm down so we could talk properly about this whole thing. Surprisingly, Arthur was excited to have a mini me or him running around our apartment. I was very glad to have his total support in this situation, because it would've been really bad if he wasn't supportive. It did take me by surprise since I was expecting him to want to focus on his Formula 3 career at the moment, though he did promise he will keep trying his best for our future little family.

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