Lance Stroll - 134, 140

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I know it's been clear that I haven't been updating recently but holy- I didn't believe I would be so busy these days... Anyways please keep requesting and I hope you enjoy it! This request was made by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it <3

Also please check out my new story There You Are [ Max Verstappen ] It's super cool and it's an alternative story to Lily's Two Different Worlds so it would be cool if y'all check that out

Angst Prompt // Anxiety Mentioned ahead

You're my family...
You don't have to go through this alone...

I had no idea what to do, it wasn't a great day and I was about to have an anxiety attack because of how horrible my day was going. I really couldn't keep bottling up my emotions and making it seem like everything was perfectly fine.

I was laying on the ground about to cry, tears were already threatening to fall. My breath was starting to shorten and I knew that it was going to be horrible. Having to deal with my anxiety and knowing that my boyfriend wasn't going to get here for me because he was still working didn't make anything any easier.

The minutes started passing, I was unable to calm down; the walls were closing up, my breath was becoming more frantic, I couldn't hear anything but my thoughts, I felt as if all of my problems were haunting me, and I started shaking horribly.

I didn't realize when Lance, my boyfriend, had arrived home. I could faintly listen to him calling my name over and over, I was just not at it and couldn't reply at all. I heard faint footsteps coming closer but even when Lance was standing right in front of me and his voice was heard far away.

He put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He started helping me count my breathing and calm me down slowly. I started to find myself once again and my senses were going back to normal.

Lance smiled softly at me and waited for me to say something about the huge breakdown I had just had. I stayed silent until I felt like I wouldn't breakdown again just by speaking about all my thoughts and being fully vulnerable in front of my boyfriend.

He waited patiently until I finally found the courage to speak up. "I really have no idea how that just happened. I was thinking about some projects that I had to get done really soon, and suddenly I was thinking about a lot of other things. Bad if not; horrible thoughts filled my brain and I started losing it. My anxiety hit me like a train wreck which is like it often does, but this breakdown was probably one of the worst I had had in the past few years. I didn't know how to react, I was alone and totally scared." I admitted.

Lance's expression quickly softened, he already had his arms wrapped around me so he just strengthened his embrace. He held me tightly which made me feel even safer. We sat on the bathroom floor in a, very comfortable silence, he would run his hands through my hair soothingly every now and then.

"Y/n you know you don't have to go through this alone gorgeous, you know I love you so much and that I will always be here for you.  Don't ever hesitate to call me when you're starting to feel anxious, I will always try to help you as much as possible darling." He said as he looked deeply into my eyes and then crashed his soft lips against mine.

Our kiss wasn't rough, it was passionate, filled with love and affection. It lasted for a couple of minutes until I pulled away.

"Thank you for being here for me, you know I have no one to turn to aside from you. It really means a lot that you have stayed through it all even when you have seen me at my weakest and lowest of times. Lance you are my family and I'm really glad it's you and nobody else, I mean this so thank you very much." I said

He tightened his grip on my waist again and pulled me closer to him. "You don't need to thank me for anything, I will always be here for you when you need me. Forever and Always."

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