Mick Schumacher - 109

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heyyy everyone, just to let y'all know that the requests made on the new prompt list will be started tomorrow... i hope y'all understand that i also have a life and can't be writing 24/7. Please keep requesting and check out my other stories. This was requested by JKay2011  I hope you like it :)

Warning: NSFW please don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content :)

Seeing you in my bed is all I need...

I had always thought that loving someone had to be all about how you feel about one another. But after a few failed relationships I realized that there's a lot more to it, the pleasure, the sadness, the fun... all of it adds up.

Love wasn't an easy feeling, it came with so much yet it was the only thing that made many feel happy again. To me in the other hand a lot of what love really was came in the touch and the physical affection was a must have.

My boyfriend Mick and I had finally decided to move in together and it was a total blast, we obviously had our bad days but for the most part of it, it was awesome.

We were both laying in our bed at the moment in complete silence. It wasn't uncomfortable at all, we just wanted to enjoy each other's company. After a few minutes Mick started caressing my uncovered skin since I was wearing a cotton crop top.

The small gesture sent shivers down my spine. "You know I love you so much right?" Mick asked affectionately.

"I know you do, you tell me that everyday reassuring that you and I are endgame." I said as a reply to his question.

"I'm glad I make it seem that way, because you really are the reason I smile everyday. Seeing you in my bed is all I need, really no one else make me feel so dependent on someone like you do." He said sweetly.

I turned on my side and kissed Mick as a response to his lovely speech that only made me melt on the inside. He kissed me back with a lot of passion which made me sigh a little. He deepened our kiss and then put his hands on my waist and pulled me on top of him so I was now straddling him.

Our make out session got hotter by the second. Mick's hands rested on my ass and every now and then would travel up and down the sides of my body. I ran my hands through Mick's hair and pulled his hair softly every now and then.

I pulled away from our kiss panting a little bit, and Mick took this as an opportunity to start kissing down my jawline to my neck. He quickly found my sweet spot which made me moan softly. I was sure this had made my boyfriend get even more aroused because I felt his growing erection against my thigh.

As he kept kissing down my neck to my cleavage which didn't show much exposed skin. This frustrated Mick a little so he immediately took my top off and threw it to the floor. I wasn't wearing a bra so he quickly started to give my breasts attention. He sucked on the right one and with his fingers he played with my left nipple. I moaned loudly because of the stimulation.

I could feel my wetness increasing, I loved the fore play but I was also starting to grow impatient. I closed my legs to put a little bit of pressure on my sex, followed by Mick's knee spreading my legs again and keeping his knee in between them only earning a whine coming from my mouth.

"Patience darling, you will get what you want soon enough." He promised in a husky voice that I found tremendously attractive.

Mick caught me off guard when he started kissing down my stomach to my covered sex which just ached with anticipation. He pulled my shorts down and also my underwear and just like with my own shirt it ended up getting thrown on the floor. He also proceeded to quickly take his shirt off, and then he started kissing my thighs purposely avoiding giving my clit any type of stimulation.

Moments later his lips touched my sex, and I sighed in relief. I had been waiting to have him in between my legs for quite some time now, and oh god it really felt great.

It didn't take me much longer to orgasm because of how much previous teasing I had been through. My moans and pants filled the room as I found my release, and Mick wouldn't stop licking and softly sucking of my bundle of nerves.

I laid on the bed trying to find my breathe again, and while I did that my boyfriend took his pants and boxers off, leaving him fully naked. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table and placed it in his shaft.

He placed himself aligned with my entrance and entered me with no previous warning. His first thrust was powerful, but he stayed in for a moment just to let me get used to his size, which was bigger than the average.

He then started to go in and out, increasing his pace over time. I felt so full and it was such an amazing feeling. The intimacy, and love that could be shared in bed was incredible.

I was once again pretty close to my release and Mick thrusted into me even faster which just made me reach my peak and orgasm for the second time of the night. Minutes later with a groan Mick released into the condom and collapsed beside me on the bed.

We were both panting, but even then Mick wrapped his arms around me, we cuddled as he reassured me that I had done great.

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