Robert Shwartzman 9,32

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Is that my shirt that you're wearing?...
Stay, even if it's just for a few more minutes...

I had just spent the night at my boyfriend's place, and we had a great time together, I was getting ready to leave his place because I had some other things to do related to business and just some appointments with important people. The only problem was that I had nothing to wear, I had forgotten to bring the necessary stuff for today.

I started going through Robert's closet, maybe I could find a nice fitting shirt that could work as a dress. After a few minutes of looking I found a white shirt, that I paired with a black belt and my shoes from the day before.

I was ready to live for my meetings, but I wasn't going to leave without saying goodbye to my handsome boyfriend who was still asleep. "Babe" I said softly. "huh?" he mumbled half asleep. "I have to go" I said, and right after I kissed his cheek. "Don't gooo" he said, with a very raspy yet, sexy morning voice. I sighed "I really have to go, I'm going to be late for my meetings if I don't" I said, looking at the clock on my phone which said that I had around one hour to get to my first meeting of the day. "Please y/n, stay, even if it's just for a few more minutes." As he said that, he opened his arms for me to go lay down with him. I sighed since I knew that I honestly did want to stay, and there was no way Robert was just going to let me go so easily.

We just laid down for a few more minutes, until he decided that we should watch a movie and stay in bed all day. That was when I decided to stop him because I really did have to go and my meeting was quite important for my future. "Robert, babe I really do have to leave now" I said as I got out of his bed. "Where do you have to go?" He asked, grumpy because he didn't want me to leave. "I have to go to a meeting for a business deal that I might sign with a very important company" I said, proudly. He just looked at me and pouted cutely "What if, you just stay here with me and I'll spoil you forever. You would have no need to work and we could happily stay at home watching Netflix okay" He replied. I got up. "Please don't be like this hun, I promise I'll make it up to you some other day but this meeting is really important for me." I said, a little annoyed that he didn't understand how important this was for me. "Okay then leave" He said, but rolled over to say goodbye to me. "Bye!" I replied. "Wait a second love, is that my shirt that you're wearing?"

I giggled softly and said, "Yes it is, do you like it?" "I absolutely love it, I'm kind of jealous though. It looks better on you than it does on me." He replied. That just made me blush furiously and also I felt a lot of butterflies on my stomach. It's always the little things that make our relationship even more amazing. "I might steal your clothes more often if you like them on me." I said, teasingly. "Honestly, you look good in everything you wear because you're naturally beautiful. But, there's something about you wearing my clothes that just makes it a million times more attractive." He said, smiling. "If you keep saying more things like that I won't ever make it to my meeting. You're literally the sweetest and know how to make a girl feel like she's the prettiest on the world." I said and smiled back at him. "I really wouldn't be complaining if you stayed, and I'll always make you feel like the most amazing, gorgeous, and funniest girl in the world because to me you are." He said, and it's just so amazing how he can make me feel like no one else.

After our conversation I managed to get out of the apartment and somehow made it on time to my meeting. Which if y'all wanted to know, went great and I'm so glad Robert got me in such a great mood in the morning. I guess that somehow made my meeting so much better. I obviously went back to him after my meeting to make it up for leaving in the first place, which I'm guessing Robert really appreciated.

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