Callum Ilott - Sunday Morning

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Hola Amigos!! Request more! I don't really have many requests so in between those I'll post my own ideas like this one :)

Have you ever wondered what it's really like to be on the paddock during a race day? Well I really didn't think about that before starting to date my wonderful boyfriend Callum Ilott.

His schedule is a little bit different than the one of a Formula 1 driver since he is in Formula 2. The races are before the Formula 1 ones so he's always running around the paddock at 10am. And me being the supportive girlfriend I am, I try to go with him to almost every race weekend obviously if my schedule allows it.

It was very early in the morning, and Callum and I were laying in the bed of our hotel room. We were cuddling for a little before the second alarm of the morning went off, which only indicated that Callum had to get out of bed and start getting ready if he didn't want to be late to the race.

He got out of bed, and then went into the shower. I didn't go in with him because he wanted to be on time and we would just waste too much water and probably time. After he got out I started getting ready as well, and about 15 minutes before the time we had to be at the track we were both ready. This was great because we were very close to the track anyways.

Once we arrived, Callum and I went to the hospitality and had something quick to eat. Then we went to his driver's room. I stayed there while he went to warm up and do a quick training session.

After he came back we chilled in his driver's room for a little. A Formula 3 race was happening before the F2 one so we watched until Callum had to get suited up with his racing overalls.

The team had been doing some final check ups on the car, and Callum was getting mentally prepared to win that race.

I was starting to get nervous because it really wasn't nice to know that if he crashed in the race and it was a really bad one it could be the last time I would be seeing my boyfriend, the love of my life, the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, y'all get the idea.

"Callum babe, please be careful I don't want anything happening to you on that race track okay?" I asked him. He smiled at me "You really shouldn't have to be worrying about that, you know I'm an amazing driver." He said showing off a little. I sighed "I'm not talking about you crashing to a wall, which could still happen so be careful with that anyways. What I really mean is be careful, you never know when someone's intentions aren't the best and they cause a collision." I warned him. He put his hands on my cheeks "Really y/n, don't worry about it... I will be really careful anyways but you shouldn't be so worried." He said reassuringly.

Even when I knew that Callum tended to be a very respectful driver, yet aggressive when necessary, I knew that there were other drivers who weren't like that and sometimes would try to cause a collision between other drivers to win places. I would always worry that someone would try something like that on my boyfriend, but thank god it hasn't happened yet.

"Still Cal, please promise you will be careful, I don't care about anything else but your well-being babe." I said lovingly. "I know you care about me a lot sweetheart, you really need to relax though it's not good for you to be stressing over me." He said once again trying to stop me from driving myself insane over the stress of not knowing how the race would go.

He just nodded because his engineers were already asking him to get into the car, well obviously before that he would put his balaclava on and the helmet. I sighed once more and prayed for a very safe race for him and every driver actually.

The race was going to be a really close one, Robert Shwartzman was starting from pole, then Mick Schumacher on P2 and Callum on P3. Them 3 were amazing drivers so the staff was going to be a close one. As if I had called it when the race had started it was a very close start until around the third lap when Callum overtook Mick and was getting separated from him as quickly as he could.

No one really knew who was going to win because there were some places switch ups a couple of times. Callum ended up winning the Grand Prix and he was very happy about it, and I was very proud of him.

He came back into the garage with a huge smile on his face which I loved to see. He did remind me that I shouldn't have worried in the first place because he drove amazingly all throughout the race. I just laughed softly.

After he got cleaned up, we watched the Formula 1 Race which was won by Max Verstappen, and I was very happy for the guy... he really deserved that win.

When the race finished we went back to the hotel and just stayed there, relaxing until it was about 3am. Everyone had decided to go partying but we stayed in, and had a great time spending time with each other.

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