Mick Schumacher - Future Talk

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Part 75 of this book :)) I swear I thought I would give up on this book after 5 parts but we're still going strong :) This was a request made by @willow I hope it is what you expected <3

Sebastian Vettel had come over with his family to have dinner over at Mick's and I place. He had brought his kids with him and they were literally so cute and well behaved.

They were sitting at the dinning table with us and dinner was going smoothly. Seb's wife had excused herself because she had an appointment to attend to and it was very important. I had suggested that she'd leave her kids here so she wouldn't have to worry about them since Sebastian was still here.

Mick mentioned that they would probably have to go to his home office to get some strategies for this race weekend that were essential. I agreed and let them go, then I realized that I would have to take care of 3 kids all by myself something that I never done before.

I was really hoping that they stayed as well behaved as they had been all night because if they weren't I would probably not know what to do.

The youngest one of the three had suggested that we played together with some toy cars that they had brought to play with. I agreed since I didn't have anything better to do at the moment and honestly it seemed quite fun.

We had a blast together and once I noticed Mick was smiling at me besides Seb watching us play. They saw me playing with children and it made me blush slightly.

Sebastian left not long after with the kids since they started to get quite tired. Mick closed the door and sat on the couch and I sat besides him.

"Did you get any worked done with Seb?" I asked him.

"We did get some strategies down and tactics for the next few races. Did you have fun?" Mick asked with a noticeable smirk on his face.

I blush lightly. "Honestly I did, Seb kids are literally the sweetest... to a certain extent they made me want one of my own." I admitted.

He looked at me and smiled softly. "Seeing you playing with Seb's children made me think about how cute you'd be playing with our own kids one day. Maybe we can start to plan a family in the near future." Mick suggested.

I really loved the idea of having babies with the man I love the most like there are so many things that would change in our life but I really wanted us to start that new chapter of our life. Seeing that Mick had the same idea in mind just made it a lot better and also it meant that I would have his support if I ended up pregnant at some point.

"That sounds like a great idea. Like imagine having a mini Mick running around, he would be a future world champion like his daddy." I said as I giggled softly at the thought.

"Well yes but it would be 10 times cuter to have a mini y/n running around. I would get to spoil her infinitely and she would be as gorgeous as her mommy." Mick told me.

I blushed at the compliment and smiled at him. "I think that having a kid would be fun, maybe we could start working on that now?" I asked

"You mean like try for a baby since today and on until we end up pregnant?" Mick asked back

"Yeah pretty much like that." I confirmed.

"If you believe that it is the right time I'm totally in for that. I want you to be fully sure of this because at the end of the day the one getting pregnant is you, and well most of the symptoms fall on you." Mick reminded me.

I really wanted this and I knew pregnancies weren't easy, but it was something that I was willing to go through if it meant that Mick and I would have a family together.

"I'm aware of all that, and I really want this to happen so maybe we should start trying." I said

"Sounds great to me." Mick said as he pressed his soft lips against mine.

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