Arthur Leclerc - I loved you

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The year is almost over, and I really hope the next one will be a little bit better than this one.
This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123  I really hope you like it because the plot you gave was super creative

I thought you were everything, and proved me wrong. But he was there when you weren't

It had been a pretty rough time for me. I didn't like the idea of being i'll but I really didn't have any other option, either you try to fight or you die. Chronic illnesses are the worse, not because you know what goes after, but because people treat you as if you were made of glass.

This to me though wasn't quite a problem, since I really couldn't do much anymore. The severity of my disease had gotten to the point of it being terminal. I wish it could've been stopped, however, it was so rare, no doctor in the world had seen something like this, let alone found a cure. I was very thankful for Arthur Leclerc, he is my best friend and he has always been here for me. Being at the hospital wasn't fun, but having a friend like Arthur was always nice and I loved at least having some company. I knew I wasn't going to make it for much longer, and Arthur understood that he was always there taking care of me. He thought that maybe one day caring for me everyday would maybe solve my disease and I would somehow manage to feel better.

One day everything changed, Arthur and I had been talking about the future and about us. I actually thought it was going to be an ordinary day but, everything that he said just made me smile, it was all happiness. Let me recap his amazing words: "y/n, I need to tell you something, and it's very important." He said. "What's wrong Thur?" I asked. "I know you don't have much time left here, and I want to spend as much time as I can with you. I love you y/n and I really hope you feel the same way." He replied. "Arthur, I love you too and you really mean the world to me" I said smiling. "Then be my girlfriend, and let's make the most out of it while it last, gorgeous." He vowed to me. "I will for sure be your girlfriend!" I exclaimed.

I was very happy, even more than that, I felt like I was on cloud nine. The next days after that have been the best of my life and Arthur and I have the happiest relationship in the whole world. Even after that I met this guy named Lance Stroll who is a Formula One driver, and he is one of the loveliest, and sweetest persons in the world. He would come over to my hospital room and hang out, we could talk for hours and I would never get tired of all his interesting stories. I was very happy with my new friend and my handsome boyfriend. Or well, so I thought, everything started to become my worst nightmare had come true. Probably one of the saddest things to hear is that your boyfriend and best friend had cheated on you, and when I found out I was totally heart broken. I'd never thought someone like Arthur who said that he loves me so much would ever do something like that, and with a close friend of mine.

I didn't want to think about all of this, it was probably one of the worst things that could happen. I had tried to reach out to Arthur to speak about what he had done. Maybe, it had been a total mistake or it was just a fake news that the press had somehow came up with. I was telling Lance all about my situation with Arthur and how basically our break up  had become one of the most known news of the day and probably the next few months. I definitely felt like dying and maybe giving up on my fight to try and get better.

"Y/n you don't deserve what he did to you, you're better than that girl she left you for." Lance said to me as he held my hand. "I don't even think I deserve anything anymore Lance, he was everything to me and ever since I got sick we got even closer to each other. He was always there, I thought he was the one for me and I really want to believe this was some wicked joke of his." I said, defending the person that even after all the pain he had put me through I loved him and my heart belonged to him. "How can you defend someone who hurt you so much, you should know your worth and thinking that he's what you deserve doesn't prove that." He said, was he jealous? "You really don't get it do you? You're my best friend you should be trying to help me find a way to get back with Arthur so I can be happy again." I said in the verge of tears, I really did miss him, even after all.

Lance stayed silent for a moment and spoke up again "Do you really not see it? He cheated on you with one of your best friends y/n. He hasn't called you in weeks, he hasn't been here to see you and to top it all you're one of the best girls I've ever met. You deserve better than a child who can't commit to such an amazing girl" He said. I really didn't know what to say. Had Lance Stroll just said I was amazing? Did he like me? "I love Arthur, and I see you don't like him much but I just don't want to believe it until he says it." I said, and it was very clear I was heart broken. "You don't deserve to be in the situation like this. No man would ever leave their girl wondering what's the position of their relationship. You deserve a man not a boy like the younger Leclerc. You need someone like me, who cares for you, likes you and actually sticks with you through your worsts." He said, pouring his feelings out for me.

Saying that I was surprised by his words would be an understatement. However, maybe he was right. I probably deserved better than someone who did care and that didn't leave me with the doubt of where I stood as a girlfriend and if him cheating had been my fault. "Lance, I really mean this when I say this I appreciate your honesty, and well I really was impressed but you know my heart belongs to Arthur Leclerc. Give me some time I need it, maybe in the future we could be more." I said and I didn't actually want to break his heart or anything similar. "So you're telling me that if I bring Leclerc here and he tells you that he wants nothing to do with you, you'll get over him?" He asked. "Yes, I will." I replied, truthfully.

As I finished my sentence Lance kissed me and Arthur came in. As I pulled away I saw him. "Arthur" I said. "So this is what you're doing now y/n? Rich boys who get their way into F1 because of their dads money?" Arthur said, outraged. "You know what Arthur, Lance and I are together" I said with a lot of confidence but, I had no idea where that confidence came from. "And you're probably only using him for his money and the fame, I care for you and he doesn't he'll leave you." He said, getting defensive. "Arthur you cheated on me, I thought you were everything and proved me wrong, but he has been here when you weren't." I said as I looked at Lance and smiled softly at him. "I think you need to leave Leclerc." Lance said, and pushed him out the door.

After Arthur left the room went silent "I'm really sorry for what I said before" I said, apologetically. "You have nothing to be sorry about y/n, you were blinded by him. I just wanted you to see that you deserve better. You deserve a man like me not a boy like him." Lance said "You're amazing Lance, thank you for everything." I said while smiling.

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