Logan Sargeant - 95

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Hey everyone! I hope everyone in DC is doing alright, anyways stay safe readers. Please keep requesting more imagines! This was requested by cosmicless

They say we're too young to know about forever...

I have always been a believer that falling in love at a very early age will end in two ways; you get heartbroken or, you end up marrying that person but never live your life. Young adulthood and your teenage years should be spent: partying, drinking, and doing dumb stuff.

I always thought that way, until one day the destiny decided to put me in a situation that changed my point of view completely. I fell in love with one of the people the world least expected it, Logan Sargeant. He was an American boy that dedicated his life to motor sports. You would think that because he's American he would be in Nascar, however, he was a very successful Formula 3 driver. Aside of being a very talented driver, he was also very well known for his lack of commitment in relationships and all the one nightstands he had had in the past.

I knew about his past and I understood what he had done wasn't great for his image, however I believed that him and I were in a really healthy relationship. I knew that we both loved each other and that there was no way in which he would do something to purposely hurt me. Logan had proved to be one of the sweetest guys in the world, I had never met someone who was such a gentleman. Maybe people did change.

We were on a really cute date in Miami Beach, we really were having an amazing time. We had already been spotted by a couple fans and they had taken pictures with Logan and I. The sun was setting and it was one of the prettiest views ever. I was cut off my thoughts by Logan's voice.

"Have you ever thought about the future?" He asked. I was quite confused on where that question was coming from since, it was just so random and out of the blue. "You're asking about the future between you and I? Or like the future as in where do I see myself?" I asked, mainly because I didn't know what he was really referring to, and I wanted to know. "Either of them but probably about you and I." He told me. "If I'm being honest here, I don't really think about the future but, when I do it's really something I look forward to." I said, I gave a really vague answer... I didn't want to make things awkward if I didn't give him the answer he was hoping for. "And is that future with me?" He asked again. "Well, I do see us together, I'm not sure in what way but as long as we are together I do picture you by my side through it all." I said. He smiled at me. "I'm glad, I see you in my future too... I want you to be my forever." He said. I was really shocked by what he had just said. I really didn't expect him to say that he wanted us to last a lifetime, he always gave away that player kind of image. "Why this sudden interest in the future?" I asked him. "I just started thinking about us, and how I want to marry you one day... which I hope is in a very near future." He expressed.

I found his words to be very cute, I don't think anyone... not even myself would have expected THE Logan Sargeant to say something like that. I knew half of the world thought that soon enough we would break up and that it would probably be Logan's fault. No one believed that a young couple like us would work out. I knew that Logan thought about that sometimes, and that he tried his best not to mess up what we had. I did believe in him, and I trusted him too, however, there was still a side of me that doubted his commitment and faithfulness. It wasn't because of him, it was mostly because I had very bad trust issues. Logan would constantly reassure me that I didn't have to worry about him being unfaithful but, I still didn't believe.

"I do hope we stay together forever, but don't you think we're too young? that's like what everyone thinks." I told him, skeptical. I knew that I could commit to something like spending the rest of my life with a person but could he? And at 20 years old? "They say we're too young to know about forever, but all I see in my future is you and that's all I need to know. No one can change my love for you, don't be scared about what others will think." He told me. I had no idea if he was being for real right now, like was he sober? "Are you being for real right now Logs?" I asked. "I am, and I want to make you a promise: I promise to love you and only you for the rest of my life. I know you sometimes don't believe it but I want to make sure you do." He pulled out a ring box. Was he going to propose? I wasn't ready for that. "This isn't an engagement ring, but a promise one. As you wear it I want you to remember that this promise is for life, at least from my part." He told me, his eyes were shinning with hope, and happiness. "I will wear this with hope, please stay forever babe." I said, and smiled.

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