Lance Stroll - Wedding

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I know I often write with y/n as the OC but the request was very specific on the character's name so it's going to be different for this one.
This was requested by LilyHeseltine123

It was probably one of the most important days of my life, I had no idea why but, I was extremely nervous. It was my wedding day with the man that I was glad to call the love of my life and hopefully future husband Lance Stroll.

The ceremony was about to start, I was standing besides my father and was about to enter the venue in which the ceremony was going to be held at. The music started playing and I went in, at the end of the alley was Lance, looking amazing in his black tuxedo, looking at me smiling. By his side was our 2 year old daughter Carola, we had her before even thinking of spending the rest of our lives together, and honestly because of her, I realized that Lance was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, he was such a loving father to that little girl, and tried to spend as much time with her. It was just something so beautiful, and even thinking about all the time I had seen them play together made me tear up.

I was standing right in front of him, he held my hand and guided me right in front of him. I looked into his eyes and the priest started talking. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, I was just focused on my husband to be face, his smile, how his eyes were shinning every time the priest mentioned that marriage was meant to last for life. The time to say our vows came around, and Lance was going to go first. 

"First I need to clarify something, there's going to be two vows on this wedding, one to my beloved Alicia, and the other one for our daughter Carola." He clarified. That just made my heart melt and he hasn't even started saying the vows, it was just so sweet, I was standing there smiling at him.

He held my hands and proceeded to say "First, to my wife to be Alicia; Since the days I first saw you walking around the paddock, I fell in love with you, I had no idea who you were but there was something that caught my eye. We started dating months later, and the idea of having you for the rest of my life was clear. You made my days brighter, make me laugh like no one else ever has, treat me with respect, support me even when the whole world is against me, have similar dreams to mine, stand all of my bullshit, follow me in all of my crazy ideas, but most importantly you never let me down. You showed me how to love, showed me how much someone can care for you, and at the same time you can care for them as much or even more. You made me realize that all relationships should be 50/50 and put me in my place when it was necessary. I'm very thankful that I found such an amazing woman to spend the rest of my life with. Today is our wedding, and I vow to you that I will always love you, respect you, be there when you need me, support you in everything, make you laugh everyday, and also promise that I will be here forever, for you and for our beautiful daughter." I was crying, thankfully my makeup was waterproof and it all stayed in its place.

He squatted down to our daughter's height and looked at her. "Now, to my little girl Carlota. You came to our lives before we had planned, but that didn't stop me and your mom from making sure that you had the best life you could ask for. The day you were born I laid my eyes on you and fell in love with a baby girl that is now 2 years old. That same day I made a promise to myself that I am here to share today. I promised that as long as I'm alive I'll make sure that you, my daughter have a place to call home, three meals a day on the table, all the toys that you want. But that's not really the most important part, I vow that as long as I'm breathing I'll protect you, love you, play with you. I will be the best dad that I can and make sure that you know how important you are to me. I will try to keep you happy, and make you laugh to see that cute smile everyday. I will be careful while racing because you will always need a dad there for you and I won't ever give up on my life if you're here. You are my biggest motivation, and over the past 2 years you have showed me that you there are things more important than myself, and that now I actually have to think twice before I act because a beautiful, happy, and sweet girl depends on me. Today I vow to love your mom, and my future wife forever but with that explicit act, I also implicitly promise to love you forever, even when you came before our union as a couple. I love you sweetheart."

He finished that beautiful speech by placing a golden bracelet on her wrist with the date of today, and her initials engraved on it. I was crying, and Lance had all of the audience in awe, it was probably one of the cutest things he had ever done. That just proved once again that the man in front of me was the one for me.

He stood up again, and we proceeded to say our I do's and put our wedding bands in each respective ring finger. Right when the priest signaled that Lance may kiss his bride which was me, he pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. After that he looked at me and said "I love you Mrs. Lance Stroll"

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