Callum Ilott - 113, 114

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Hey everybody! I hope I'll be able to post today as much as possible :) The requests are now closed until the new book starts! Anywho please remember to check out my other books... This was requested by cosmicless I hope you like it :)

Everyone is asking who you are...
I want to tell the world how much I love you...

It was the first time I would be going to the paddock with my boyfriend Callum Ilott. He was a test driver for Ferrari and had to be around to look at the data of the car. I was very scared to go because I had no idea how the other people in the paddock were going to react to me being Callum's new girlfriend. 

Callum knew that I wasn't feeling comfortable with going to the paddock with him just yet. However, he seemed really excited to have me around for once, he said he wanted to start showing that we were together. 

Not many really knew who I was in the Formula One world, nevertheless, I didn't want to be known only because I was dating Callum. He claimed that he wanted to show me off to all of his friends, mostly Marcus since he had never met me and didn't believe his best friend had gotten a cute girl to date him. 

We were sitting in the couch and once again, he was trying to convince me that it was important for him to have me for Bahrain. "Y/n, please come with me! It would be so important for me to have you with me." He expressed. 

"I would love to go with you but I'm scared that people won't like me or your friends will say things about me." I admitted. 

"You know you don't have to worry about that! Everyone will love you, you're an amazing girl and you should already know that." Callum said, trying to cheer me up. 

"Why do you even want me there anyways? I might end up being just a distraction for you with testings and all." I asked him. I really wanted to go but again it didn't seem like a good idea. 

"You know, everyone is asking who you are..." he looked deeply into my eyes and continued "I want to tell the world how much I love you. I want to tell everyone how much you mean to me, who is the girl who stole my heart, and the person who has always been there for me." Callum expressed. 

What he had said made my heart melt. I knew that Callum loved me but I had never thought that he could feel that much for someone. I really had never thought that a man would love me as much as he did. I felt so happy with him and it made me feel so much better that he actually wanted to show me off to all of his friends. 

I started to think it through once again, and going to the paddock didn't seem as scary and bad anymore. I also knew that it would make Callum happy, he was really excited to show me around the track and paddock, well and also tourist around Bahrain. 

"You know what babe, I will go to Bahrain with you, and I bet we will have a lot of fun there. I will always be here for you and if it means that I have to go to races with you and travel just to see you happy and succeed I will do it. I said happily, promising that I would always be there for the man that had showed that he loved me so much. 

Callum smiled at me. "I'm so glad you're happy to be here for me. I promise it will be a lot of fun to have you around, and my friends will love you." Callum promised. 

The next morning was our flight to Bahrain, and I wasn't nervous anymore. I was totally sure that just because Callum was around everything would go amazing. Plus traveling to countries I had never visited before was something that seemed super fun. The season was going to be fun and just traveling different places was going to be perfect. 

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