Frederik Vesti - 62

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Today is probably the last day with so many daily updates, or well that's how I'm pretty sure things will go down, I probably will be inactive for a few days due to personal reasons once again this weekend :) This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you like it <3

I know you're broken...

One of the worst things that I believe can happen to you is getting hurt doing what you love the most in this world. But today this was my case, I had been on one of the worst accidents to be ever seen in the motorsport world.

As a Formula 2 driver I wouldn't have expected something like this would happen to me, I was now laying down in a hospital bed, I couldn't move and there was a possibility that my recovery would take too long for me to get back into the car this season.

Without the adrenaline rush of driving fast cars I was no one, I was losing myself by the thought of never getting into one of the cars ever again.

I was cut off my thoughts my the voice of a very worried Fred who is also my boyfriend and best friend. "What are you thinking about y/n? By the expression in your face it looks like it's not something nice though." Frederik asked.

"It really isn't, I'm scared I won't ever be able to get back on a car again, or that I will lose the talent I have. I also feel like if I'm never on a car again I'll lose myself and I don't want that to happen to me, racing is basically my identity." I explained.

"Don't think like that darling, I bet you'll get back on that car soon enough stronger than ever to kick some ass and prove everyone that the obstacles just make you stronger." Frederik commented trying to make me feel better, however it wasn't helping much.

I was aware of my abilities but because of how bad the crash had been I didn't know if I would be able to get the physical strength back, and let alone that, my mind wasn't in a great place at the moment and the positivity wasn't coming to my thoughts at all.

"Thanks for the words but the thoughts are still there, I think I just discovered what is it that I'm afraid of the most and it's not a nice feeling." I admitted.

"I know you're scared but thinking so negatively of how things are going to go won't help your case at all. Right now instead of thinking about that focus on healing and recovering, then you will get the time to think of your future as a driver." He suggested.

"I know you want to help but I can't even help myself!" I exclaimed in frustration. I was aware that I shouldn't be reacting like that, neither that I should be letting my frustration out on Fred because he was trying to help me but honestly I couldn't help it.

There were too many emotions going through my body, I hated this, I wished it hadn't been me who had to be on this situation. Knowing how it felt made me realize that being on an accident was something I never wished to anyone on this world EVER.

"Y/n" Fred called as he sighed probably trying to remain calm. "I know you're broken, I know you believe it is all over. And I've felt it too in the past, but getting frustrated and acting like this won't help you get any better. I promise once you get out of this hospital I will do everything in my power to get you back into a Formula 2 car so you can drive and win races again, but for the love of god stay positive and rest." Frederik promised and pleaded.

"Thank you so much Fred" I said thankfully, and continued. "I promise to give the best of me so I can get out of here as soon as possible and go win championships and somehow make it into Formula 1 soon." I promised as well.

Frederik smiled. "Yes stay positive, and I know you will make it far as a driver because your extremely talented, determined and over all strong." Frederik mentioned.

I smiled at him, we talked about other things that weren't really related to the motorsports world until the nurses told Fred he had to leave for the night and I fell into a deep slumber.

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