Marcus Armstrong - 124

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Hey everyone! Remember to keep requesting and check out my other books :) This was a request made by hotgoretzka I hope you like it!!

You didn't tell me your friend was cute... now what am I supposed to do?...

It was around 2 pm when my friend Marcus Armstrong had called me to go hang out with him, mostly since tomorrow he had a race for Formula 2. 

I agreed to see him at a local coffee shop since he only wanted us to talk and relax, plus clubbing wasn't an option when he knew that he had to be in his best physical state for the race tomorrow afternoon. 

I got ready for the friendly date that we had planned and not long after I was already at the shop waiting for Marcus to arrive. 

He got there after a few minutes, drawing the attention of many of the people at the place because of the loud engine of his Ferrari. "Show off" that's all I could think of in the money I saw him get out of the red car. 

To my surprise, my good friend Marcus hadn't arrived alone. From the passenger side of the car, a really attractive guy had come out. I knew he was one of Marcus's close friends since I had seen them hanging out together in the paddock many times before. However, I had never really had the time or the courage to go say hi to the guy whose name I remembered to be Callum Ilott. 

They made their way to the table in which I was seated, and Callum pulled over another chair to the side so he could seat with me and Marcus. 

We greeted each other and I was really nervous since I had never met this Callum guy before, Marcus hadn't mentioned that he was going to come with us, and also he didn't even warn me that he was hella attractive. 

We greeted each other and I glared at Marcus so he would notice that I wasn't really pleased with the surprise that he had brought someone along. Don't get me wrong I didn't actually mind having the other guy around because at a first glance he actually seemed sweet. However, my body wasn't responding as it normally would when having a really cute guy around. I was even more nervous than normal and that wasn't helping me to make this encounter a lot less awkward. 

I pulled Marcus aside and Callum just looked at us but didn't ask anything about this. "Hey Marcus, why didn't you mention that your friend was coming to hang out with us?" I asked.

"Well, you didn't really ask if anybody else was coming with us," Marcus said a little bit serious.

"I actually don't mind having your friend around, you know I like having other people with us. You didn't tell me your friend was cute though, now what am I supposed to do?." I asked. 

"Wait, you find my friend Callum attractive? I wouldn't have thought that he would be your type." Marcus said to me. 

"Well, I have no idea if I want us to be anything or something like that because I had no actual idea how he actually is as a person. However, I can't deny that he is very cute, and maybe if we do have some kind of connection I would totally be down to date someone like your friend Callum." I expressed with a smile on my mouth. 

Marcus smirked. "Now I'm on a mission to get you and Callum to become a couple, even if it's the last thing I do. Like, imagine my girl best friend dating my guy best friend and eventually getting married and living happily ever after." Marcus said, daydreaming about a future that I hadn't thought about. 

"You really are something else," I replied to his explanation with a chuckle. 

We went back over to the table and Callum was just sitting there on his phone waiting for us to come back. When he noticed us approaching he looked up at me and smiled softly. We had a great time together and as I had thought Callum was extremely sweet and funny too. 

I really have no idea what the future might have in store for the two of us, but at least for now, I'm sure that he's nice and thanks to Marcus I will be seeing him a lot more in the next few months. 

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