Oscar Piastri - 8, 32

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This was requested by @ilysmjdarezzo

Just kiss me already...
Stay, even if it's just for a few more minutes...

I was going on a date with one of my best friends who is Oscar Piastri, we had told each other how we felt and somehow we liked each other.

We were on our way to this nice restaurant, and I was somewhat excited because I knew he had chemistry. Plus, we were still best friends which just made the situation more easy going.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we sat down and started talking a lot, just about anything random that we thought of. He just made me smile a lot and it was one of the many reasons why I fell in love with my best friend.

After we finished having dinner we went for a walk on the park, he held my hand and a really cute conversation came up.

"Have you seen how cute you are?" Oscar asked, as he grabbed a piece of my hair from my face and put it behind my ear. I smiled softly and blushed. "I don't really think I'm cute, you're a really sweet guy." I told him. He held my hands and smiled softly. We were looking at each other and Oscar surprisingly seemed nervous.

"You seem nervous" I told him. "Is everything okay?" I asked too. He seemed to get out of a small trance "I mean I'm alright. Are you having a good time?" He asked trying to change the subject. "Yeah, I'm really enjoying myself today." I said and smiled once again. He was looking deeply into my eyes, and then back at my lips. He kept doing this for a few minutes as we sat in a comfortable silence.

I bite my lip softly, and just kept looking at him. I felt like he was trying to kiss me, but didn't have the courage to do so. "Just kiss me already, you fool." I said jokingly, Oscar's eyes widened and he looked at me again. "Do you really want me to do so?" He asked me. I just nodded at him, he leaned in and I closed my eyes. We kissed passionately, and it was just a magical moment.

We kept kissing for a few minutes, and then I pulled away because my phone started ringing. I sighed and answered the call. It was a call from my parents, they needed me to be in my house now for some reason that they didn't want to tell me.

"I'm sorry Oscar, I really have to go my parents need me at home for some reason." I excused myself. "Please don't go; stay, even if it's just for a few more minutes." He pleaded. I really didn't want to leave him because I was having a great time. We really were enjoying each other's company without really finding the need to do something crazy, just the two of us walking and talking. No other interruption or anything else, I could say it was even somewhat romantic.

We were sitting on a bench in the park, the few minutes that I had decided to stay for turned out to be an hour and a half. The only reason why we both decided to get going was because it started raining, it was really heavy rain and it didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

We started running to the car because we were already getting soaked. Once we got into the car we jammed to some music, and drove back to my house. It was a long ride, of around forty minutes. We reached my driveway and Oscar parked right in front of my house. I was going to open my door but before I could do so, Oscar ran to my side of the car and opened the door for me like the gentleman he is.

He walked with me to the front door of my house, and right there he kissed me once again, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I just felt in a fantasy, like if I was in one of those very romantic and cliche movies. I pulled away for the second time today, to speak up.

"Good night Oscar, thanks for such a lovely evening I really enjoyed your company today." I said smiling like an idiot. "I'm very glad to hear that, I loved our date today too." He said and quickly spoke up again "Before you go I need to ask you something." He stated. "Ask away" I told him to do that. "Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked me nervously. "I would love to be your girlfriend." I said with a huge smile in my face.

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