Marcus Armstrong - 30

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Hola Amigos!! I hope y'all enjoy my requests, please keep requesting out of my prompt list, and feel free to dm me with your very own ideas! Also, give my preference story a read :) This was requested by jade2506 I hope you like it.

Finding out you're pregnant might not be the best thing to think of when you're surrounded by the motorsports world. You never know whether your boyfriend who is also a driver will be there for you because of how busy most drivers tend to be. There is no full reassurance of how he will react thanks to the idea that their career always comes first.

This was my case too, I was scared to tell Marcus, my boyfriend, that I was pregnant. This wasn't planned at all and also not on our life plan at the moment. The most important question was; how would he react to the news?

I had decided to tell him in a really cute way, it was a gift that inside had an onesie that said "my daddy is the best driver on the Formula 2 grid" I loved the idea of it. The thought of Marcus being happy about this very unexpected pregnancy flooded through my brain, and it made me smile like crazy.

There was obviously a possibility that he could react in a horrible way, which also scared me a lot. I had no idea what would happen in the next few hours.

I got a box to put the gift inside of it and then decorated it a little bit. It looked cute on the outside but didn't give away what was on the inside just yet. I set up the contents on the inside which were the onesie and then on the bottom of the box the positive pregnancy test that I had taken that same morning. The onesie did cover up the test but it was just there to make him realize what was going on if he didn't get the idea. I finally closed the box and placed it on our bed. Beside it there was a note, asking him to open the box because there was something important for him inside of it.

The hours passed, and as the moment of Marcus's arrival got closer I got more worried over what the kiwi would think of this huge and probably very shocking news. I was getting even more nervous, and minutes later I heard him arrive. He walked in and called my name. I looked at him and then walked over to him, I greeted him like I normally would and gave him a chaste kiss.

I told him to go change out of the dirty clothes he had on because of the practices hoping that he would notice the gift that awaited him on our shared bed. I was still a little nervous but had no idea what was happening right in that same moment in the other room.

Moments later I heard Marcus shout "Y/n darling can you come over here please?" I knew that he had probably seen what was laying on the bed but his calling didn't show any specific emotion that I could kind of guess by what he was feeling. I sighed and walked into our room. Marcus was standing right in front of the box, the positive pregnancy test was in his right hand and the onesie that I had bought to tell him about the pregnancy rested on his left one.

He sensed me walking into the room and his gaze went right to myself. He was silent for a moment, I was hoping for a reaction but he was probably thinking about what to say. I was cut off my thoughts with the voice of my boyfriend; "Y/n is this for real? Are you pregnant?" He asked me probably not believing what he was seeing.

I looked at him but there was no actual reaction on his face, it was expressionless. I was even more nervous than before. "Yes, I am pregnant," I said.

As soon as those words left my mouth Marcus walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my body. He didn't say a word but we stood there in fully comfortable silence. He kissed my temple and I just wanted him to say something that would reassure me that he was comfortable with the news that I had just given him.

Moments later he spoke up once again. "I know it might not seem like it right now, but I am very happy about this even when it was extremely unexpected. I love you so much and I will be here for you in every step of the way."

His words made me smile widely and also calmness filled my body because I knew that he was okay with this. It was really sweet though, I had no more pressure on me. "Thank you for the support, I was really scared about your reaction and had no idea what would happen after today. I love you so much and I am extremely grateful to know that you're the father of my unborn child." I said.

"You have nothing to thank me for gorgeous, I love you so much and will be here through every step of the way, for you and for our unborn child," Marcus promised.

I knew that it was a promise that he didn't really know if he could keep knowing that he had a very busy schedule in the motorsports world. He placed his hands on my belly, which would be growing in the next few months. He kneeled right in front of me, lifted my shirt up, and kissed the now uncovered skin softly. Gestures like this one filled my body with warmth.

No one knew what the future would hold, but at least I knew that my dear boyfriend Marcus Armstrong was supportive about the pregnancy and that a mini y/n or mini Marcus would be running around our house very soon.

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